
artotype मीनिंग इन हिंदी

artotype उदाहरण वाक्य
डाउनलोड Hindlish App

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. In early 1872, Benecke began working with the artotype process, which involved the application of printer's ink to a photograph to prevent fading.
  2. Bierstadt was hired by William West Durant to take a series of photos for an advertising brochure entitled " The Adirondacks, Artotype Views Among the Mountains and Lakes of the North Woods " to publicize Blue Mountain Lake and Raquette Lake in the Adirondacks.
  3. At least Valentine's " Artotype " series'The King's Army, 1854'( artist R . Stewart ) showed the 4th at Balaklava dressed correctly as dragoons with the right regimental facings, even if the caption called them the 4th Hussars.

के आस-पास के शब्द

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  2. artocarpus communis
  3. artocarpus incisa
  4. artocarpus integra
  5. artocarpus lakoocha
  6. arts
  7. arts and crafts
  8. arts application data bank
  9. arts application pattern generation
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