
aside मीनिंग इन हिंदी

[ ə'said ]
aside उदाहरण वाक्य
अप्रकट टिप्पणी
एक तरफ़
स्वगत कथन
नाटक में पात्र की स्वगत उक्ती
एक किनारे
परोक्ष टिप्पणी
एके ओर
क्रिया विशेषण
एक तरफ़
एक ओर
एकान्त में
गुप्त रूप से
छिप कर
एक किनारे
एके ओर

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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
    अन्य व्यर्थ कर्मों से भी अपने आप को दूर रखा जाता है।
  2. Could not move aside old saved state file '%s': %s
    पुराना सहेजा गया स्टेट फ़ाइल '%s' को किनारे नहीं रख सका: %s
  3. I'd set aside three weeks for this project,
    मैंने इस प्रोजेक्ट के लिए तीन हफ्ते का समय निर्धारित किया था,
  4. They avoided him , and turned aside .
    फिर उसकी आँखें अपने को उसकी नज़रों से बचाती हुई दूसरी ओर मुड़ गई ।
  5. aside this is shajhahans burial chamber
    इसके बराबर ही में शाहजहां की भी कब्र है।
  6. But he decided first to buy his bakery and put some money aside .
    मगर उसने सोचा - पहले एक बेकरी खरीद लूं । कुछ पैसे जोड़ लूं ।
  7. once again this mixture in between the kneaded dough and keep aside.
    फिर ये मिश्रण परोंठेके तरह गुंदेहुए आटेंमें भरके सेंक ले।
  8. to set aside the causes of distraction and rise to the challenge
    हम उन व्याकुलता के कारणों को अलग रख सकते हैं और खडे़ हो सकते हैं
  9. The alchemist removed the pan from the fire , and set it aside to cool .
    कीमियागर ने कड़ाही आग पर से उतार ली और ठंडी होने के लिए एक तरफ रख दी ।
  10. One of them says that after god created the universe , He created two mounds of soil and put them aside .
    ” ईश्वर ने ब्रह्मांड बनया और मिट्टी के दो ढेर एक और रख दिए .


  1. a message that departs from the main subject
    पर्याय: digression, excursus, divagation, parenthesis
  2. a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage
क्रिया विशेषण.
  1. not taken into account or excluded from consideration; "these problems apart, the country is doing well"; "all joking aside, I think you''re crazy"
    पर्याय: apart, apart
  2. in reserve; not for immediate use; "started setting aside money to buy a car"; "put something by for her old age"; "has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day"
    पर्याय: by, away, by, away
  3. on or to one side; "step aside"; "stood aside to let him pass"; "threw the book aside"; "put her sewing aside when he entered"
  4. out of the way (especially away from one''s thoughts); "brush the objections aside"; "pushed all doubts away"
    पर्याय: away, away
  5. placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose; "had a feeling of being set apart"; "quality sets it apart"; "a day set aside for relaxing"
    पर्याय: apart, apart
  6. in a different direction; "turn aside"; "turn away one''s face"; "glanced away"
    पर्याय: away, away
  7. not taken into account or excluded from consideration; "these problems apart, the country is doing well"; "all joking aside, I think you''re crazy"
    पर्याय: apart, apart
  8. in reserve; not for immediate use; "started setting aside money to buy a car"; "put something by for her old age"; "has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day"
    पर्याय: by, away, by, away
  9. on or to one side; "step aside"; "stood aside to let him pass"; "threw the book aside"; "put her sewing aside when he entered"
  10. out of the way (especially away from one''s thoughts); "brush the objections aside"; "pushed all doubts away"
    पर्याय: away, away
  11. placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose; "had a feeling of being set apart"; "quality sets it apart"; "a day set aside for relaxing"
    पर्याय: apart, apart
  12. in a different direction; "turn aside"; "turn away one''s face"; "glanced away"
    पर्याय: away, away

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. asiatic buffalo
  2. asiatic cholera
  3. asiatic land-mass
  4. asiatic low
  5. asiatics
  6. aside from
  7. asiderite
  8. asija
  9. asilidae
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