
auriferous मीनिंग इन हिंदी

auriferous उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. The host rock here is a carbonate alteration and auriferous silicification.
  2. In 1856 auriferous quartz was found on the field &"
  3. The auriferous iron sulfide was finely disseminated through the quartz.
  4. The island is adjacent to where the highly auriferous Adelong Creek enters the Murrumbidgee.
  5. Its auriferous mines were considered the best and the largest in the whole peninsula.
  6. Frequently they doubled as goldsmiths and were required to separate auriferous silver from base metal.
  7. Columbia, thirty Chinese coins in the auriferous sand, twenty-five feet below the surface.
  8. Auriferous quartz veins were subsequently found in surface exposures at the site of the current open pit.
  9. The gold and platinum mines of Choc?line some of its confluents, and the river sands are auriferous.
  10. This is an auriferous, silicified-decalcified siltstone / mudstone from the Comus Formation ( Lower Ordovician ).


  1. containing gold; "auriferous quartz veins"
    पर्याय: gold-bearing

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. auriculoabial inferior
  2. auriculotemporal nerve
  3. auriculoventricu-lar aperture
  4. auriculoventricular
  5. auricyanide
  6. auriferous deposit
  7. auriferous drift
  8. auriga
  9. aurigerous
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