
charactron मीनिंग इन हिंदी

charactron उदाहरण वाक्य
डाउनलोड Hindlish App

उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. A much larger 19-inch diameter Charactron CRT was used for military radar-screen displays.
  2. The Charactron CRT used an electron beam to flood a specially patterned perforated anode that contained the stencil patterns for each of the characters that it could form.
  3. The technical expertise, and trademarks, for the Charactron ultimately passed to Stromberg-Carlson, General Dynamics, Stromberg DatagraphiX, Anacomp, and finally Lexel Imaging Systems.
  4. The term Charactron is sometimes mistakenly applied to another type of CRT properly called a monoscope which generates an electrical signal by scanning an electron beam of uniform cross section across a printed pattern on an internal target electrode.
  5. For example, the operator consoles of the CDC 6600 formed each letter all at once by sending the Charactron CRT electron beam through a metallic stencil mask with an A-shaped hole, or through a B-shaped hole, etc.
  6. "' Nimo "'was the trademark of a family of very small non-standard CRTs manufactured by Industrial Electronics Engineers around mid-1960s, with 10 electron guns with stencils which shaped the electron beam as digits, with a similar principle as the charactron, but much simpler.
  7. The SC4020 could output graphics and text either to 16mm microfilm or hardcopy ( using chemically-developed light-sensitive paper ) utilizing a Charactron CRT as the heart of the recorder ( with the microfilm camera pointed directly at the face of the Charactron inside a light-proof column inside the 4020 ).
  8. The SC4020 could output graphics and text either to 16mm microfilm or hardcopy ( using chemically-developed light-sensitive paper ) utilizing a Charactron CRT as the heart of the recorder ( with the microfilm camera pointed directly at the face of the Charactron inside a light-proof column inside the 4020 ).
  9. In addition to aircraft, missiles and space vehicles, Convair developed the large Charactron vacuum tubes, which were the precursors of modern cathode ray tube ( CRT ) computer displays, and to give an example of a minor product, the CORDIC algorithms, which is widely used today to calculate trigonometric functions in calculators, field-programmable gate arrays, and other small electronic systems.
  10. The SC4020 utilized a Charactron cathode-ray-tube ( CRT ) with an internal mask ( or stencil ) through which the electron beam was deflected to choose an alphanumeric character, and the character-shaped beam was then deflected to a target position on the faceplate of the CRT . A 35 mm or 16 mm shutterless camera, in a lightproof enclosed cabinet along with the CRT, captured the imagery produced on the faceplate.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. characterological aspect
  2. characterological illness
  3. characterology
  4. characters employed
  5. characterstics
  6. charade
  7. charades
  8. charbon
  9. charco
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