
claim मीनिंग इन हिंदी

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claim उदाहरण वाक्य
मुआवज़े की मांग
अधिकार प्रतिपादन
दावा की हुई वस्तु

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दृढ़तापूर्वक कहना
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. How to claim see page 18.
    कैसे पा सकते है ये जानने के लिये पान क्रमांक 18 देख सकते है। ।
  2. If YES, claim Incapacity Benefit.
    अगर आप का जवाब हाँ है तो Incapacity Benefit के लिए अर्जी भर सकते है ।
  3. How to claim see page 15.
    यह कैसे अर्जी भर के मिल सकता है इस के लिए पान क्रमांक 15 देखें ।
  4. How to claim see page 18.
    कैसे पा सकते है ये जानने के लिये पान क्रमांक 18 देख सकते है।
  5. But he has other and better claims to distinction .
    लेकिन इसके साथ ही वे कहीं अधिक विशिष्टता संपन्न थे .
  6. How to claim see page 18.
    कैसे पा सकते है यह जानने के लिए पान क्रमांक 18 देख सकते है ।
  7. If you are not claiming any of these benefits, you may still be able to get child support maintenance.
    बच्चे की देखभाल के लिए बोनस
  8. MLA claims that the draws of April 18 were a coincidence .
    एमएलए का दावा है कि 18 अप्रैल का वाकया महज संयोग है .
  9. Trial or no trial, these claims are front and center
    परीक्षण या बिना परीक्षण के, यह दावे सब जगह हैं
  10. The state Government claims it is aware of the problem .
    राज्य सरकार दावा करती है कि उसे हालत की जानकारी है .


  1. demand for something as rightful or due; "they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day"
  2. an informal right to something; "his claim on her attentions"; "his title to fame"
    पर्याय: title
  3. an established or recognized right; "a strong legal claim to the property"; "he had no documents confirming his title to his father''s estate"; "he staked his claim"
    पर्याय: title
  4. an assertion of a right (as to money or property); "his claim asked for damages"
  5. an assertion that something is true or factual; "his claim that he was innocent"; "evidence contradicted the government''s claims"
  6. a demand especially in the phrase "the call of duty"
    पर्याय: call
  1. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs; "the accident claimed three lives"; "The hard work took its toll on her"
    पर्याय: take, exact
  2. assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing; "He claimed that he killed the burglar"
  3. lay claim to; as of an idea; "She took credit for the whole idea"
    पर्याय: take
  4. ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example; "They claimed on the maximum allowable amount"
  5. demand as being one''s due or property; assert one''s right or title to; "He claimed his suitcases at the airline counter"; "Mr. Smith claims special tax exemptions because he is a foreign resident"
    पर्याय: lay claim, arrogate

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. cladism
  2. cladode
  3. cladogram
  4. cladothricosis
  5. cladsteel
  6. claim back
  7. claim adversely
  8. claim agent
  9. claim as assignee
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