
clostridium tetani मीनिंग इन हिंदी

clostridium tetani उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Among them were the bacterial agents of Clostridium tetani and Clostridum difficile.
  2. Tetanus is caused by the tetanus bacterium " Clostridium tetani ".
  3. For example, the tetanus toxoid is derived from the tetanospasmin produced by " Clostridium tetani ".
  4. MenAfriVac is a formalin from cultures of " Clostridium tetani " grown in a modified Mueller-Hinton agar.
  5. Examples of bacteria having terminal endospores include " Clostridium tetani ", the pathogen that causes the disease tetanus.
  6. "' Tetanus toxin "'is an extremely potent neurotoxin produced by the vegetative cell of " Clostridium tetani " in anaerobic conditions, causing tetanus.
  7. Sometimes the endospore can be so large the cell can be distended around the endospore, this is typical of " Clostridium tetani ".
  8. From the Orange County's Health Officer " The organisms, which were found in extremely poor condition, were identified as Clostridium tetani and Clostridum difficile.
  9. Renshaw cells are also the target of the toxin of " Clostridium tetani ", a Gram positive, spore-forming anaerobic bacterium that lives in the soil.
  10. Seen here is a diagram depicting the bacterium, " Clostridium tetani ", which causes the tetanus infection known for its symptoms of muscle spasms and lockjaw.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. clostridium fallex
  2. clostridium oedematiens
  3. clostridium paravulum
  4. clostridium septicum
  5. clostridium sporogenes
  6. clostridium welchi
  7. clostridiumhistolyticum
  8. clostridiumwelchii
  9. closure
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