
coastwise मीनिंग इन हिंदी

coastwise उदाहरण वाक्य
डाउनलोड Hindlish App

उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Still others were transported by sea in the coastwise slave trade.
  2. She escorted coastwise traffic between ports along the eastern seaboard.
  3. Next day he headed south to Derbent, the flotilla following coastwise.
  4. The flagship was the breakfast news programme'Coastwise '.
  5. The bound measure also regulated the coastwise slave trade.
  6. North China had few ports and little coastwise trade.
  7. From August to November 1942 " Chicopee " resumed coastwise fueling operations.
  8. The container ships were employed in coastwise U . S . East Coast and Puerto Rico service.
  9. "Guide " spent the first year of her career in coastwise operations off California.
  10. Later, they were operated on their old California coastwise route by the Los Angeles Steamship Company.


क्रिया विशेषण.
  1. by way of, or along the coast; "we were travelling coastwise"
  2. by way of, or along the coast; "we were travelling coastwise"
  1. along or following a coast; "coastal shipping"; "coastwise winds contributed to the storm"

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. coasting voyage
  2. coastland
  3. coastline
  4. coastlines
  5. coasts
  6. coat
  7. coat armour
  8. coat hanger
  9. coat of arms
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