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colorimetrically मीनिंग इन हिंदी
colorimetrically उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
अधिक: आगे- The rest of the amino acids are then quantified colorimetrically after separation by chromatography.
- By measuring the amount of phenol red excreted colorimetrically, kidney function can be determined.
- Residual PdCl 2 is converted to red PdI 2, the concentration of which may be determined colorimetrically:
- Specialty meters and probes are available for use in special applications, harsh environments, etc . There are also holographic pH sensors, which allow pH measurement colorimetrically.
- The tellurite reduction is colorimetrically indicated by brown colonies for most " Cornyebacteria " species or by a black halo around the " C . diphtheriae " colonies.
- Glucose oxidase is widely used coupled to peroxidase reaction that visualizes colorimetrically the formed H 2 O 2, for the determination of free glucose in sera or blood plasma for diagnostics, using spectrometric assays manually or with automated procedures, and even point of use rapid assays.
- The RGB color model itself does not define what is meant by " red ", " green " and " blue " colorimetrically, and so the results of mixing them are not specified as absolute, but relative to the primary colors.