
dust theory मीनिंग इन हिंदी

dust theory उदाहरण वाक्य
डाउनलोड Hindlish App

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. A royal commission concerning the disaster, held in March, April and May 1903, confirmed the gas and coal-dust theory accepted by the earlier coroner's jury.
  2. He described it this way : " Make poetry a reality, something of pleasure and love, not dry-as-dust theory, " the joy and passion to be passed on to students.
  3. Durham reveals that his self-experiments convinced him that there is no difference, even in principle, between physics and mathematics, and that all mathematically possible structures exist, among them our physics and therefore our spacetime, a belief he refers to as " Dust Theory . " The dust theory implies that all possible universes exist and are equally real, emerging spontaneously from their own mathematical self-consistency.
  4. Durham reveals that his self-experiments convinced him that there is no difference, even in principle, between physics and mathematics, and that all mathematically possible structures exist, among them our physics and therefore our spacetime, a belief he refers to as " Dust Theory . " The dust theory implies that all possible universes exist and are equally real, emerging spontaneously from their own mathematical self-consistency.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. dust spilling
  2. dust storm
  3. dust strom
  4. dust suppression
  5. dust survey
  6. dust trap
  7. dust tube
  8. dust tuff
  9. dust veil
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