
etymological dictionary मीनिंग इन हिंदी

etymological dictionary उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Bedros Keresteciyan, the Ottoman linguist completed the first etymological dictionary of Turkish.
  2. The thesis was published in the Leiden-based Indo-European Etymological Dictionary project.
  3. For example, etymological dictionaries provide words with their historical origins, change and development.
  4. He also compiled the first Hungarian etymological dictionary in 1789 94.
  5. In Greenberg's etymological dictionary of Amerind, Kaqchikel words are found in 5 entries.
  6. You should see if you can borrow or purchase Calvert Watkins's etymological dictionary.
  7. I replaced it with an etymology taken from a " Latin etymological dictionary ".
  8. An "'etymological dictionary "'discusses the etymology of the words listed.
  9. Etymological dictionaries are the product of research in historical linguistics.
  10. It's supported by the Encyclopedia of Ukraine and the Etymological dictionary of the Ukrainian language.


  1. a dictionary giving the historical origins of each word

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. ettringite
  2. etymolgocial accent
  3. etymolgy
  4. etymological
  5. etymological accent
  6. etymological doublet
  7. etymological reducation
  8. etymological reduction
  9. etymologist
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