
excerpt मीनिंग इन हिंदी

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excerpt उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. This is just an excerpt
    ये बस एक हिस्सा है
  2. (2) Coincidentally, I spent the summer of 1953 at the age of three in Munich, just as that city was emerging as a center of Islamic activism, precisely because of the major presence of ex-Soviet Muslims living there. An excerpt from my father's autobiography, Richard Pipes, Vixi: Memoirs of a Non-Belonger (Yale University Press, 2003), p. 74 explains why he took the family to Munich: At the end of May 1951, with financial assistance from the Center of International Affairs at MIT, Irene and I left Daniel with our parents and went on a four-month trip to Europe and the Middle East. My purpose was to interview the surviving members of national governments of what had been the Russian Empire during the period 1917-21. I located quite a few of them in London, Paris, Munich and Istanbul, and they helped me appreciably to understand the complex situations of that era. In Paris I established contact with the Georgian émigré community.
    इस प्रकार यूरोपीय मुसलमानों पर इस्लामवादी नियंत्रण के दो गुप्त तत्व हैं जिन्होंने इनकी सहायता की एक तो नाजी और दूसरा अमेरिकी। आपरेशन बारबारोसा में आज की इस्लामवादी शक्ति के बीभत्स बीज दिखते हैं। हिटलर और उनके ठग सहयोगियों को यह भविष्य नहीं दिखा होगा परन्तु उन्होंने यूरेबिया के लिये आधारभूमि तैयार कर दी थी।
  3. Note two initial points here: (1) Ramadan does not say I was mistaken in identifying Allam as a Muslim, but that I “was lying.” He thus implies I know Allam to be Christian but deceptively called him a Muslim. Strong words on Ramadan's part. (2) Strange words, actually, given that I did not, either in the above excerpt or anywhere else in my London talk, identify Allam as a Muslim, only as a one of several “civilized allies.” Ramadan gratuitously inserted me into an obscure argument over Allam's religious adherence.
    यहाँ दो आरम्भिक बिन्दु ध्यान देने योग्य है -1- रमादान ने यह नहीं कहा कि आलम की पहचान मुसलमान के रुप में करने में मुझे धोखा हुआ वरन् कहा कि मैं झूठ बोल रहा हूँ। अन्तर्निहित था कि मै पहले से जानता था कि आलम ईसाई हैं परन्तु छलपूर्वक उन्हें मुसलमान बताया। 2 - वास्तव में आश्चर्यजनक है। लन्दन की अपनी परिचर्चा में या अन्य कहीं भी मैंने आलम का उल्लेख मुसलमान के रुप में नहीं किया - वरन् उन्हें सभ्य सहयोगियों में से एक बताया। रमादान ने अनावश्यक रूप से आलम के धार्मिक लगाव को अप्रत्यक्ष तरीके से मेरी बात बता दिया ।
  4. The very fact that this project is being undertaken by the Turkish government signals the rise of Islamic rule in Turkey. Any government that purports to decide which religious interpretation is “correct” has established a theocracy. The first step in any genuine religious reform must be to sever the connections between political power and religion, and to affirm the rights of everyone to think and to speak as they wish. June 3, 2008 update : The columnist who calls himself Spengler provides a deep analysis of the Hadith Project at “ Tin-opener theology from Turkey .” One excerpt:
    कुछ तुर्कीवासियों को इस हदीथ प्रकल्प से काफी आशायें हैं जो कि अनेक भाषाओ तुर्की, अरबी और रूसी में इस वर्ष के अंत तक आने वाला है। एक राजनीतिक टिप्पणीकार तहा अक्योल की दृष्टि में एक क्रांति होने जा रही है। “ अन्य देशों में इस्लाम का सुधार या तो आधुनिकतावादी या अधिनायकवादी शासनों द्वारा हो रहा है परंतु तुर्की में यह सुधार मध्यवर्ग द्वारा किया जा रहा है। और यही वास्तविक सुधार है। एक और टिप्पणीकार मुस्तफा अक्योल के अनुसार संसोधित हदीथ “ मस्तिष्क बदलने की दिशा में एक कदम होगा”
  5. To which my response is this: I am delighted to hear that Muhammad Ali did these good deeds. But by 2002 he was far along with Parkinsonism, so his decisions were largely made by his handlers in his name. These do not provide real insight into his character. That character, rather, was shown earlier, when Ali had full control of his facilities. To understand that better, I turn to Jack Cashill, author of the forthcoming book, Sucker Punch: The Hard Left Hook That Dazed Ali and Killed King's Dream . Cashill sent me a copy of the book manuscript and it, to say the least, confirms my thesis about Ali's poor behavior. Here is an excerpt, reviewing Ali's negative accomplishments during his first crucial years in the public eye, 1960-75: Ali knowingly betrayed Malcolm X, a betrayal that led at least indirectly to Malcolm's assassination.
    जूडिए पर्ल की इस प्रतिक्रिया पर मेरी यही प्रतिक्रिया है कि मैं यह सुनकर काफी प्रसन्न हूं कि मुहम्मद अली ने अच्छे कार्य किए लेकिन 2002 में वह पार्किन्सन से पीड़ित थे और उनके निर्णय उनके सहयोगियों द्वारा लिए जाते थे इसलिए इस समय में उनके चरित्र का उचित आकलन नहीं हो पाता . उनके चरित्र का वास्तविक आकलन तब होता है जब उनका स्वयं पर पूरा नियंत्रण था .इसे समझने के लिए जैक कैशिल की आगामी पुस्तक Sucker Punch: The Hard Left Hook That Dazed Ali and Killed King's Dream . का सहारा लेना होगा . कैशिल ने अपनी पुस्तक की पांडुलिपि मुझे भेजी जिससे अली के संबंध में लचर व्यवहार की मेरी धारणा और पुष्ट हो गई . यहां 1960 से 1975 के मध्य के कुछ अंश प्रस्तुत हैं जो अली के महत्वपूर्ण सामाजिक जीवन हैं और उसके व्यवहार के नकारात्मक पक्ष को प्रस्तुत करते हैं.
  6. Israel's long-term investment has paid off. South Sudan fits into a renewed periphery strategy that includes Cyprus, Kurds, Berbers , and, perhaps one day, a post-Islamist Iran. South Sudan offers access to natural resources, especially oil. Its role in Nile River water negotiations offers leverage vis-à-vis Egypt. Beyond practical benefits, the new republic represents an inspiring example of a non-Muslim population resisting Islamic imperialism through its integrity, persistence, and dedication. In this sense, the birth of South Sudan echoes that of Israel. If Kiir's Jerusalem visit is truly to mark a milestone, South Sudan must travel the long path from dirt-poor, international protectorate with feeble institutions to modernity and genuine independence. This path requires the leadership not to exploit the new state's resources nor dream of creating a “ New Sudan ” by conquering Khartoum, but to lay the foundations for successful statehood. A sign at the independence celebrations (edited for meaning, using the Arabic for guidance): “From today, our identity is South [Sudanese] and African, not Arab and Islamic. We are not the worst of Arabs but the best of Africans.” For the Israelis and other Westerners, this means both helping with agriculture, health, and education and urging Juba to stay focused on defense and development while avoiding wars of choice. A successful South Sudan could eventually become a regional power and a stalwart ally not just of Israel but of the West. Jan. 12, 2012 update : In the aftermath of the euphoric independence celebrations, news coming out of South Sudan is pretty bleak, Jeffrey Gettleman documents in “ Born in Unity, South Sudan Is Torn Again .” An excerpt: South Sudan, born six months ago in great jubilation, is plunging into a vortex of violence. Bitter ethnic tensions that had largely been shelved for the sake of achieving independence have ruptured into a cycle of massacre and revenge that neither the American-backed government nor the United Nations has been able to stop.
    इजरायल के लम्बे समय के निवेश का लाभ मिला है। दक्षिणी सूडान उस नयी क्षेत्रीय रणनीति में पूरी तरह उपयुक्त बैठता है जिसमें कि साइप्रस, कुर्द, बरबर और शायद एक दिन उत्तर इस्लामवादी ईरान भी शमिल हो। दक्षिणी सूडान के चलते प्राकृतिक ससाधनों पर पहुँच हो सकेगी विशेष रूप से तेल। नील नदी के जल की वार्ता में इसकी भूमिका से मिस्र पर भी कुछ दबाव बन सकेगा । व्यावहारिक लाभ से परे नया गणतंत्र अपनी निष्ठा, समर्पण और उद्देश्यके प्रति लगन के द्वारा गैर मुस्लिम जनता द्वारा इस्लामी साम्राज्यवाद के प्रतिरोध का प्रेरणाप्रद उदाहरण प्रस्तुत करता है । इस प्रकार दक्षिणी सूडान का जन्म तो इजरायल को ही प्रतिध्वनित करता है।
  7. May 30, 2011 update :Balyoz keeps rolling along: less than two weeks before the general elections comes news today that Gen. Bilgin Balanlı , commander of the War Academies, has been arrested, making him the highest ranking active duty officer yet hauled off to prison. More broadly, 29 out of approximately 300 flag officers are under arrest. The deprivation of liberty of the 250 detained defendants in the Balyoz or Sledgehammer cases is arbitrary. … Consequent upon the opinion rendered, the Working Group requests the Government of Turkey to remedy the situation of these 250 persons in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Working Group considers that, taking into account all the circumstances of the case, an adequate remedy would be an enforceable right to compensation. Aug. 5, 2013 update : Despite the weakness and fraud of its case, the AKP government has plowed ahead and today pronounced prison sentences in the other plot, the Ergenekon one dating from 2007. It includes top military officers, opposition politicians, and journalists. As Hürriyet Daily News summarizes the case, “A total of 275 suspects, 66 of them under arrest, were awaiting rulings this morning. Some 33 indictments have been submitted in the course of the Ergenekon trials, which saw over 130 witnesses testify at hearings.” The most spectacular piece of news is the life sentence given the former chief of general staff, İlker Başbuğ, but the list is a long and severe one. An excerpt from the Hürriyet Daily News article: Journalist Tuncay Özkan, retired general Veli Küçük and lawyer Kemal Kerinçsiz were sentenced to aggravated life sentences. Özkan was also sentenced to an additional 16 years. Workers' Party leader Doğu Perinçek received aggravated life sentence and an additional 30 years in prison. Retired colonel Fikri Karadağ and retired general Hasan Ataman Yıldırım also received aggravated life sentences. Retired General Hurşit Tolon was sentenced to life in prison while another retired General Levent Ersöz was sentenced to 22 years six months. The court handed down life sentences to the retired generals Hasan Iğsız and Nusret Taşdelen, as well as retired colonel Fuat Selvi. … Writer Yalçın Küçük was also sentenced to 22 years and six months in prison. On similar charges, the court sentenced former head of the Higher Education Board of Turkey (YÖK) Kemal Gürüz to 13 years and 11 months, historian Mehmet Perinçek, who is the son of Doğu Perinçek, to six years, and alleged mob leader Sedat Peker was given a 10 year sentence. Former North Sea Field Commander Mehmet Otuzbiroğlu was sentenced to 20 years and 6 months. Journalist Erol Manisalı was sentenced to nine years. Author Ergün Poyraz was handed down a 29 years and four months sentence while journalist Güler Kömürcü was sentenced to seven years and six months. Workers' Party (İP) executives Hayrettin Ertekin was sentenced to 16 years, Hikmet Çiçek was sentenced to 21 years and nine months. The party's lawyer Emcet Olcaytu received 13 years and two months. Former rectors Ferit Bernay and Mustafa Abbas were each sentenced to ten years in prison. … Former police chief Adil Serdar Saçan was sentenced to 14 years in prison. Former mayor Gürbüz Çapan received one year. Comment : Seen in the light of June's Gezi Park demonstrations, these sentences imply that Erdoğan is further doubling down to discredit, marginalize, and criminalize his political opponents. It's not a tactic that will end well for him. Related Topics: Turkey and Turks receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
    तुर्की का इस्लामी मह्त्व इस बात की ओर संकेत करता है इस संकट का सभी मुसलमानों के लिये मह्त्व है। एकेपी द्वारा सेना पर इस्लामवादी नियंत्रण का अर्थ है कि वे उम्मा के सर्वाधिक शक्तिशाली सेक्युलर संस्थान को नियंत्रित कर रहे है और कुछ क्षणों के लिये ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि उन्हें रोक पाना कठिन है। लेकिन यदि सेना अपनी स्वतंत्रता बचा पाती है तो अतातुर्क का विचार मुस्लिम समाज में जीवित रहेगा विश्वस्तर पर मुसलमानों के लिये व्यापक इस्लामवाद के लिये एक विकल्प मिल सकेगा।


  1. a passage selected from a larger work; "he presented excerpts from William James'' philosophical writings"
    पर्याय: excerption, extract, selection
  1. take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy
    पर्याय: extract, take out

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. exceptionally large branches
  2. exceptionally-gifted
  3. exceptions and restrictions
  4. exceptive
  5. exceptive proposition
  6. excerption
  7. excess
  8. excess amount
  9. excess baggage
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