
exterior ballistics मीनिंग इन हिंदी

exterior ballistics उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. This facilitates the exchange of exterior ballistic data and fire control information.
  2. Small-arms makers are attracted by the exterior ballistic performance and armor-piercing potential of flechettes.
  3. The principal aim of this agreement is to standardize the exterior ballistic trajectory simulation methodology for NATO Naval and Army Forces.
  4. Selective-fire shotguns were used to fire flechettes designed to retain the exterior ballistics and penetration of the standard flechette, but increase wounding capacity through a wider wound path.
  5. The ability to hit a point target at great range has a lot to do with the ability to tackle environmental and meteorological factors and a good understanding of exterior ballistics and the limitations of equipment.
  6. Alger's extensive writing on ordnance included two books, " Exterior Ballistics " ( 1904 ) and " The Elastic Strength of Guns " ( 1906 ), which came to be regarded as standards in their fields.
  7. His work was facilitated by his personal development of several items of equipment for the instrumentation used in exterior ballistics, the most outstanding development being the high-speed clock camera, which made possible the study of the characteristics of bombs and low velocity projectiles in flight.
  8. Hubble also worked as a civilian for U . S . Army at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland during World War II as the Chief of the External Ballistics Branch of the Ballistics Research Laboratory during which he directed a large volume of research in exterior ballistics which increased the effective fire power of bombs and projectiles.
  9. This misconception may be explained by Colonel Ingalls in the 1886 publication, Exterior Ballistics in the Plan Fire; page 15, " In the following tables the first and second columns give the velocities and corresponding resistance, in pounds, to an elongated one inch in diameter and having an ogival head of one and a half calibers.
  10. He taught at the University of Notre Dame until the outbreak of World War II . From 1942 to 1945, he did mathematics ( mainly exterior ballistics, including ballistics for the atomic bomb ) for the war effort at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, where his work unit included his future Berkeley colleagues Anthony Morse and McCarthy-era loyalty oath mandated by the UC Board of Regents.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. exteranl stimulus
  2. exterior
  3. exterior algebra
  4. exterior angle
  5. exterior area
  6. exterior cone
  7. exterior differentiaition
  8. exterior differential
  9. exterior differential forms
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