
free energy density मीनिंग इन हिंदी

free energy density उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Therefore for the case of a chiral liquid crystal, the total free energy density is given by:
  2. A fourth term is also commonly added to the Frank free energy density called the saddle-splay energy that describes the surface interaction.
  3. where M _ { \ eta } is the mobility, f is the free energy density, and \ eta is the nonconserved order parameter.
  4. If inclusions are added to a liquid crystal, an additional term contributes to the free energy density due to their presence, often characterized by a term known as the Rapini approximation:
  5. Since the-\ frac { H ^ 2 \ chi _ \ perp } { 2 } term is spatially invariant, it can be ignored and so the magnetic contribution to the distortion free energy density becomes:
  6. To understand the effect a magnetic field produces on the distortion free energy density, a small region of local nematic order \ mathbf { \ hat { n } } is often considered in which \ chi _ \ perp and \ chi _ \ parallel is the magnetic susceptibility perpendicular and parallel to \ mathbf { \ hat { n } }.
  7. where \ mathcal { F } _ { T } is the total free energy density of a liquid crystal, \ mathcal { F } _ { 0 } is the free energy density associated with a uniformly aligned nematic, and \ mathcal { F } _ { d } is the contribution to the free energy density due to distortions in this order.
  8. where \ mathcal { F } _ { T } is the total free energy density of a liquid crystal, \ mathcal { F } _ { 0 } is the free energy density associated with a uniformly aligned nematic, and \ mathcal { F } _ { d } is the contribution to the free energy density due to distortions in this order.
  9. where \ mathcal { F } _ { T } is the total free energy density of a liquid crystal, \ mathcal { F } _ { 0 } is the free energy density associated with a uniformly aligned nematic, and \ mathcal { F } _ { d } is the contribution to the free energy density due to distortions in this order.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. free electron paramagnetism
  2. free electron theory
  3. free end
  4. free energy
  5. free energy change
  6. free energy function
  7. free enterprise
  8. free enterprise democracy
  9. free enterprise economy
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