क्रिया विशेषण • क़्रोधावेश में |
furiously मीनिंग इन हिंदी
furiously उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
अधिक: आगे- Consider the paradox: Almost every government agrees that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is an appalling monster and shudders at the prospect of his acquiring nuclear weapons. Yet those same governments are also furiously signaling their disapproval of an American-led military effort to depose him.
सद्दाम को बचाने का प्रयास - It roared furiously , biting at all the sticks and twigs within reach , and lashing its tail .
वह बडऋए भयानक ढंग से गरजता रहा और अपनी पहुंच के अंदर के सारे झाडऋ-झंखाडऋओं को नोचर्ताखसोटता रहा और पूंछ पटकता रहा - The press reacted furiously to these demands. The Guardian 's Polly Toynbee condemned the open letter as “perilously close to suggesting the government had it coming.” The Daily Mirror 's Sue Carroll portrayed Mr. Pasha's position as “perilously close to blackmail.”
प्रेस में इन माँगों पर तीव्र प्रतिक्रिया हुई. गार्जियन के पोली टायनबी ने इस खुले पत्र को सरकार को धमकी के समकक्ष बताया. डेली मिरर के सुइ कैरोल ने पाशा के पत्र को ब्लैकमेल की संज्ञा दी. - Furiously compared the Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS), “a national system for concerned workers to report suspicious activity.” to the notorious Stasi secret police in East Germany.
आतंकवाद सूचना और बचाव पद्धति जिसमें कर्मचारियों द्वारा संदिग्ध गतिविधियों की सूचना देने की राष्ट्रीय पद्धति की योजना थी, उस पर प्रतिक्रिया करते हुये उसने उसकी तुलना पूर्वी जर्मनी की दुष्ट गोपनीय पुलिस से की. - Four days later , he wrote again : ” When all my thoughts were furiously revolving , like dead leaves , in a whirlwind of desire for raising funds , a picture came to my hand ; it was that of Sujata offering a cup of milk to Buddha .
चार दिनों के बाद ही , रवीन्द्रनाथ ने उन्हें दोबारा लिखा , ? जब मेरे विचार कोष उगाहने की चाह में झंझा में सूखे पत्तों की तरह तेज हवा में प्रचंड गति से चक्कर खा रहे थे , तब एक तस्वीर मेरे हाथ लगी थी - जिसमें सुजाता महात्मा बुद्ध को एक पात्र में दूध दे रही थी . - Individuals hold government hostage : When Jones spoke of burning copies of the Koran in 2010, he received calls from no less than the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, the secretaries of defense and state, the attorney general, and the president of the United States, all pleading with him to desist. Last week, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff picked up the phone to chat with him. Never before could random individuals drive policy like this. French humorist Jean-Jacques Sempé drew a cartoon in 1989 capturing this reversal: as Rushdie is working furiously on his typewriter under the gaze of the fifteen policemen guarding him from Islamists, one Bobby yells into his walkie-talkie, “Close the airports!! He wants to write Volume Two!!!” If Rushdie never wrote a volume two, Jones returns repeatedly into the limelight. Governments want to clamp down on free speech : More ominous yet than the calls to Jones was the suggestion from the White House to Google , owner of YouTube, that it “review whether [ Innocence of Muslims ] violates their terms of use.” (Google kept it available except in four countries .) While arguments about the need to censor oneself so as not to stir the Islamist beast and jeopardize American lives may sound reasonable, such appeasement only invites more rage, intimidation, and violence.
हाल की हिंसा के चक्र में जो प्रदर्शन और हिंसा हुए वे सभी पश्चिमी भवनों के विरुद्ध ( कूटनीतिक, व्यावसायिक , शैक्षिक) अफगानिस्तान, बहरीन, बांग्लादेश, चीन, मिस्र, भारत,इजरायल, फिलीस्तीन अथारिटी, कुवैत,लेबनान, लीबिया,मलेशिया, मोरक्को, नाइजीरिया, पाकिस्तान, कतर, सूडान, सीरिया ( अमेरिका समर्थक विद्रोहियों सहित),ट्यूनीशिया, तुर्की तथा यमन सहित आस्ट्रेलिया, बेल्जियम , फ्रांस , जर्मनी और ब्रिटेन में हुए। अभी तक कुल 30 लोगों को अपने जीवन से हाथ धोना पडा है। ईरान और मिस्र की सरकारें उस फिल्म Innocence of Muslims निर्माता तक पहुँचना चाहती हैं , जिसने कि मुहम्मद विरोधी फिल्म यू ट्यूब पर प्रदर्शित की और उनके अनुसार जो कि हिंसा का कारण है।
क्रिया विशेषण.- (of the elements) in a wild and stormy manner; "winds were blowing furiously"
- in an impassioned or very angry manner; "she screamed furiously at her tormentors"
- in a manner marked by extreme or violent energy; "the boys fought furiously"; "she went peddling furiously up the narrow street"
- (of the elements) in a wild and stormy manner; "winds were blowing furiously"
- in an impassioned or very angry manner; "she screamed furiously at her tormentors"
- in a manner marked by extreme or violent energy; "the boys fought furiously"; "she went peddling furiously up the narrow street"