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graminicolous मीनिंग इन हिंदी
graminicolous उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
अधिक: आगे- ""'Colletotrichum hanaui " "'is a falcate-spored graminicolous plant pathogenic fungi species, first isolated from warm-season grasses.
- ""'Colletotrichum nicholsonii " "'is a falcate-spored graminicolous plant pathogenic fungi species, first isolated from warm-season grasses.
- ""'Colletotrichum paspali " "'is a falcate-spored graminicolous plant pathogenic fungi species, first isolated from warm-season grasses.
- ""'Colletotrichum jacksonii " "'is a falcate-spored graminicolous plant pathogenic fungi species, first isolated from warm-season grasses.
- ""'Colletotrichum miscanthi " "'is a falcate-spored graminicolous plant pathogenic fungi species, first isolated from warm-season grasses.
- ""'Colletotrichum axonopodi " "'is a falcate-spored graminicolous plant pathogenic fungi species, first isolated from warm-season grasses.
- In the case of graminicolous rust fungi this stream was started by Urban ( 1969 ) who introduced " P . perplexans " var . " triticina " as an appropriate name for WLR . To Urban s understanding, a taxonomic name should reflect both morphology and ecology of the species.