
homicide मीनिंग इन हिंदी

homicide उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. It is here that more serious offences such as dacoities , all types of homicide , thefts by habitual offenders , etc . are tried when these cases are committed to the Sessions Court by the Courts below .
    निचले न्यायालयों द्वारा सुपुर्द किए जाने के बाद सत्र न्यायालय में ही डकैती , सभी प्रकार के मानव वध , आभ्यासिक अपराधियों द्वारा की गई चोरियों आदि गंभीर अपराधों का विचारण होता है .
  2. But innovative research by Steven Stotsky , a research analyst for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) finds that an influx of money to the Palestinians has had the opposite effect historically. Relying on World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and other official statistics, Stotsky compares two figures since 1999: budgetary support aid provided annually to the Palestinian Authority and the number of Palestinian homicides annually (including both criminal and terrorist activities, and both Israeli and Palestinian victims). Graphed together, the two figures show an uncanny echo:
    परन्तु कमेटी फार अकूरेसी इन मिडिल ईस्ट रिपोर्टिंग इन अमेरिका के शोध विश्लेषक स्टीवन स्टोटस्की के मौलिक शोध के अनुसार फिलीस्तीनियों को धन का प्रवाह ऐतिहासिक रूप से विपरीत प्रभाव वाला रहा है।
  3. They foresaw a problem, in that in a homicide case the victim's body would generally be released by the Procurator Fiscal for burial only; but their lines of communication with the Procurator Fiscal's Office were confused, there was delay in getting clearance for cremation of the body, and further delay - over a weekend - in getting this information to the family.
    उन्हें एक समस्या दिखाई दी , वह यह कि कत्ल के मामलों में प्रोक्यूरेटर फिस्कल के द्वारा मृत्क की लाआ आमतौर पर केवल दफ़नाने के लिए दी जाती है , लेकिन प्रोक्यूरेटर फिस्कल के अॅाफ़िस के साथ उनका संवाद अस्पष्ट था , लाश के दाह संस्कार की अनुमति लेने में देरी हुई , और ज़्यादा देरी-छुट्टी के दिनों में-परिवार तक यह जानकारी पहुँचाने में हुई |
  4. They foresaw a problem , in that in a homicide case the victim 's body would generally be released by the Procurator Fiscal for burial only ; but their lines of communication with the Procurator Fiscal 's Office were confused , there was delay in getting clearance for cremation of the body , and further delay - over a weekend - in getting this information to the family .
    उन्हें एक समस्या दिखाई दी , वह यह कि कत्ल के मामलों में प्रोक्यूरेटर फिस्कल के द्वारा मृत्क की लाआ आमतौर पर केवल दफ़नाने के लिए दी जाती है , लेकिन प्रोक्यूरेटर फिस्कल के अऑफ़िस के साथ उनका संवाद अस्पष्ट था , लाश के दाह संस्कार की अनुमति लेने में देरी हुई , और ज़्यादा देरी-छुट्टी के दिनों में-परिवार तक यह जानकारी पहुँचाने में हुई |भाष्;
  5. The correlation is even clearer when the aid of one year is superimposed on the homicides of a year later: In brief, each $1.25 million or so of budgetary support aid translates into a death within the year. As Stotsky notes, “These statistics do not mean that foreign aid causes violence; but they do raise questions about the effectiveness of using foreign donations to promote moderation and combat terrorism.” The Palestinian record fits a broader pattern, as noted by Jean-Paul Azam and Alexandra Delacroix in a 2005 article, “ Aid and the Delegated Fight Against Terrorism .” They found “a pretty robust empirical result showing that the supply of terrorist activity by any country is positively correlated with the amount of foreign aid received by that country” - i.e., the more foreign aid, the more terrorism.
    विश्व बैंक अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष और तथा अन्य आधिकारिक आँकड़ों पर निर्भर रहते हुए स्टोटस्की ने 1999 से दो आँकड़ों की तुलना की है। फिलीस्तीनी अथारिटी को प्रतिवर्ष उपलब्ध कराई गयी आर्थिक सहायता और फिलीस्तीनियों द्वारा प्रतिवर्ष किया गया नरसंहार ( इसमें से आपराधिक और आतंकी घटनाएँ तथा इजरायली और फिलीस्तीनी दोनों पीड़ित शामिल हैं )
  6. One can run linear regressions on any two data sets with the same number of points, such as the average temperature each day in Lhasa, Tibet, versus the daily close of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and there would be a linear relationship; only the relationship would be so weak as to be statistically insignificant. That would be indicated by r close to 0. On the other hand, as the linear relationship gets stronger, r approaches 1 or -1 (depending on whether the relation is direct or inverse). While I don't have access to the original data, I estimated it from the graph and ran the numbers. In this case, r is roughly 0.88. That is a very strong correlation. How strong? The chances are less than 1 out of 200 that such a correlation would be observed among randomly chosen data. Put another way, r ^2 represents the proportion of the variance in homicide rates that can be attributed to variance in foreign aid - in this case about 77%.
    यदि यह अध्ययन परम्परागत विचार कि गरीबी बेरोजगारी, उत्पीड़न, कब्जा और निरूत्साह के कारण फिलीस्तीनी हिंसा ओर प्रवृत्त हुए के ठीक विपरीत है तो यह मेरे उस तर्क को पुष्ट करता है कि फिलीस्तीनी उत्साह प्रमुख समस्या है। फिलीस्तीनियों को बेहतर आर्थिक सहायता से वे और सशक्त होते हैं तथा हथियार उठाने को और प्रोत्साहित होते हैं।
  7. One must be cautious, as the authors are, and explain that correlation - even perfect correlation - does not imply causation. One must present a plausible explanation that could justify the claim of causation, and I have one. Most of the ignoramuses who opine or make policy regarding the Middle East and jihadists worldwide, believe that poverty causes war, just as poverty causes crime at home, and that terrorists must be given hope to stop their deadly rampage. However, we know that quite the opposite is true: poor people can choose to study hard, work hard, and lift themselves and their communities gradually out of poverty; crime causes poverty; terrorism causes poverty; and terrorists are given hope by the craven appeasement of the empty-headed Western intellectuals and politicians who come to bargain for their lives - at others' expense, of course. My theory is justified, I believe, by the strong relationship between foreign aid and homicides that occur one year later . Based on the strong linear correlation between foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority and the number of homicides committed by Palestinian Arabs one year later, I have used extrapolation to predict the consequences of a promised $7.4 billion in aid to the Palestinian Arabs. Please understand that extrapolation is far less reliable than interpolation. Nevertheless, my model predicts approximately 4600 homicides can be expected within a year after the infusion of the pledged foreign aid. This is equivalent to the murder of some 215,000 Americans. Dec. 30, 2007 update : For an exchange on the methodology of the Stotsky study, see the challenge from Basel Saleh, Asst. Professor of Economics, Radford University and Steven Stotsky at “ False Analysis .” Related Topics: Palestinians , US policy receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
    1993 में ओस्लो समझौते के आरम्भ से इजरायल की युद्ध अर्थव्यस्था की समझ में संशय उत्पन्न हुआ है। अपने शत्रुओं को संसाधनों से विहीन करने के स्थान पर इजरायल के लोग शिमोन पेरेज के रहस्यमयी विचार को अपना रहे हैं कि नये मध्य पूर्व की रचना हो और वे सशक्त बनाये जायें। जैसा कि मैने 2001 में लिखा था कि एक ओर शत्रु से लड़ा जाये और उसी के साथ उसे संसाधन उपलब्ध कराये जाएं यह अच्छा विचार नहीं है। सभी पश्चिमी देशों को इजरायल से आरम्भ कर फिलीस्तीनी युद्ध को आर्थिक सहायता देने के स्थान पर इसे बन्द कर दिया जाये।
  8. One must be cautious, as the authors are, and explain that correlation - even perfect correlation - does not imply causation. One must present a plausible explanation that could justify the claim of causation, and I have one. Most of the ignoramuses who opine or make policy regarding the Middle East and jihadists worldwide, believe that poverty causes war, just as poverty causes crime at home, and that terrorists must be given hope to stop their deadly rampage. However, we know that quite the opposite is true: poor people can choose to study hard, work hard, and lift themselves and their communities gradually out of poverty; crime causes poverty; terrorism causes poverty; and terrorists are given hope by the craven appeasement of the empty-headed Western intellectuals and politicians who come to bargain for their lives - at others' expense, of course. My theory is justified, I believe, by the strong relationship between foreign aid and homicides that occur one year later . Based on the strong linear correlation between foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority and the number of homicides committed by Palestinian Arabs one year later, I have used extrapolation to predict the consequences of a promised $7.4 billion in aid to the Palestinian Arabs. Please understand that extrapolation is far less reliable than interpolation. Nevertheless, my model predicts approximately 4600 homicides can be expected within a year after the infusion of the pledged foreign aid. This is equivalent to the murder of some 215,000 Americans. Dec. 30, 2007 update : For an exchange on the methodology of the Stotsky study, see the challenge from Basel Saleh, Asst. Professor of Economics, Radford University and Steven Stotsky at “ False Analysis .” Related Topics: Palestinians , US policy receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
    1993 में ओस्लो समझौते के आरम्भ से इजरायल की युद्ध अर्थव्यस्था की समझ में संशय उत्पन्न हुआ है। अपने शत्रुओं को संसाधनों से विहीन करने के स्थान पर इजरायल के लोग शिमोन पेरेज के रहस्यमयी विचार को अपना रहे हैं कि नये मध्य पूर्व की रचना हो और वे सशक्त बनाये जायें। जैसा कि मैने 2001 में लिखा था कि एक ओर शत्रु से लड़ा जाये और उसी के साथ उसे संसाधन उपलब्ध कराये जाएं यह अच्छा विचार नहीं है। सभी पश्चिमी देशों को इजरायल से आरम्भ कर फिलीस्तीनी युद्ध को आर्थिक सहायता देने के स्थान पर इसे बन्द कर दिया जाये।
  9. One must be cautious, as the authors are, and explain that correlation - even perfect correlation - does not imply causation. One must present a plausible explanation that could justify the claim of causation, and I have one. Most of the ignoramuses who opine or make policy regarding the Middle East and jihadists worldwide, believe that poverty causes war, just as poverty causes crime at home, and that terrorists must be given hope to stop their deadly rampage. However, we know that quite the opposite is true: poor people can choose to study hard, work hard, and lift themselves and their communities gradually out of poverty; crime causes poverty; terrorism causes poverty; and terrorists are given hope by the craven appeasement of the empty-headed Western intellectuals and politicians who come to bargain for their lives - at others' expense, of course. My theory is justified, I believe, by the strong relationship between foreign aid and homicides that occur one year later . Based on the strong linear correlation between foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority and the number of homicides committed by Palestinian Arabs one year later, I have used extrapolation to predict the consequences of a promised $7.4 billion in aid to the Palestinian Arabs. Please understand that extrapolation is far less reliable than interpolation. Nevertheless, my model predicts approximately 4600 homicides can be expected within a year after the infusion of the pledged foreign aid. This is equivalent to the murder of some 215,000 Americans. Dec. 30, 2007 update : For an exchange on the methodology of the Stotsky study, see the challenge from Basel Saleh, Asst. Professor of Economics, Radford University and Steven Stotsky at “ False Analysis .” Related Topics: Palestinians , US policy receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
    1993 में ओस्लो समझौते के आरम्भ से इजरायल की युद्ध अर्थव्यस्था की समझ में संशय उत्पन्न हुआ है। अपने शत्रुओं को संसाधनों से विहीन करने के स्थान पर इजरायल के लोग शिमोन पेरेज के रहस्यमयी विचार को अपना रहे हैं कि नये मध्य पूर्व की रचना हो और वे सशक्त बनाये जायें। जैसा कि मैने 2001 में लिखा था कि एक ओर शत्रु से लड़ा जाये और उसी के साथ उसे संसाधन उपलब्ध कराये जाएं यह अच्छा विचार नहीं है। सभी पश्चिमी देशों को इजरायल से आरम्भ कर फिलीस्तीनी युद्ध को आर्थिक सहायता देने के स्थान पर इसे बन्द कर दिया जाये।


  1. the killing of a human being by another human being

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. hometowns
  2. homework
  3. homeworks
  4. homey
  5. homicidal
  6. homicides
  7. homiletics
  8. homilies
  9. homilite
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