संज्ञा • आधान • आसव • जुशांदा • डालना • निषेचन • प्रेरणा • मदिरा • संचार • सत • सम्मिश्रण • निष् • जान डालना • अर्क • अंतःशिरा निषेक • निषेक | • आधानोत्तर • फाण्ट |
infusion मीनिंग इन हिंदी
infusion उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- The July 1997 proposal envisaged a fresh infusion of about Rs 200 crore which the Centre rejected .
जुलई 1997 के प्रस्ताव में 200 करोड़े रु.की ताजा रकम लगाने की सिफारिश की गई , जिसे केंद्र ने खारिज कर दिया . - This will put us in touch with cultural and literary and social movements in other countries and will strengthen our own languages by the infusion of fresh ideas . . ..
ऐसा करने से दूसरे मुल्कों में हो रहे सांस्कृतिक और साहित्यिक व सामाजिक आंदोलनों की हमें जानकारी होगी और नये नये विचारों के आने से हमारी अपनी भाषाओं को ताकत मिलेगी . . .. - Mosul Dam, formerly known as Saddam Dam (Arabic: Sadd Saddam ) is in danger of collapse. That's because the dam was built on unstable bedrock of gypsum that requires a constant infusion of grout to prevent the foundation from eroding and the giant earthen wall from collapsing. Over the years, engineers have pumped into the foundation more than 50,000 tons of a bentonite, cement, water, and air mixture. As the Washington Post explains, “Twenty-four clanging machines churn 24 hours a day to pump grout deep into the dam's base. And sinkholes form periodically as the gypsum dissolves beneath the structure.”
अमेरिका सेना का यह आकलन कहता है कि बाँध के टूटने से आयी बाढ़ तत्काल ही करीब 5 लाख लोगो का अंत कर देंगी और इसके दुष्परिणाम ( बिजली की क्षति और सूखा) इससे कई गुणा लोगों को काल के मुंह में धकेल देगी। यह इतिहास में मानव द्वारा पहुंचायी गई सबसे बड़ी क्षति होगी। - The autopsy revealed that Jandoubi was wearing two pairs of trousers and four pairs of underpants, which the coroner compared to what is worn by “Islamic militants going into battle or on suicide missions.” Also, the chemical plant was processing ammonium nitrate, a stable chemical that requires a substantial infusion of energy to explode. Ignoring these signs, the French authorities declared there was “no shred of evidence” of the explosion being a terrorist act and ruled it an accident. They even prosecuted two publications merely for calling Jandoubi a “radical Islamist,” making them pay tens of thousands of dollars in fines to Jandoubi's heirs, a mosque and a Muslim organization for their “defamation” of Jandoubi. Work dispute, hate crime, road rage, derangement, post-traumatic stress, industrial accident ... these expressions of denial obstruct effective counterterrorism. The time has come for governments to catch up with the rest of us and call terrorism by its rightful name.
आटोप्सी से पता चला कि जंदूबी ने दो जोडे जुराब पहन रखे थे और चार जोडी जाँघिया जो कि माना जाता है कि इस्लामी उग्रवादी तब पहनते हैं जब वे युद्ध में या आत्मघाती मिशन पर जाते हैं। साथ ही केमिकल प्रकल्प अमोनियम नाइट्र्रेट की प्रक्रिया में था और यह एक स्थिर रसायन है जिसे कि ऊर्जा का काफी मिश्रण चाहिये जब इसमें विस्फोट होता है। - One must be cautious, as the authors are, and explain that correlation - even perfect correlation - does not imply causation. One must present a plausible explanation that could justify the claim of causation, and I have one. Most of the ignoramuses who opine or make policy regarding the Middle East and jihadists worldwide, believe that poverty causes war, just as poverty causes crime at home, and that terrorists must be given hope to stop their deadly rampage. However, we know that quite the opposite is true: poor people can choose to study hard, work hard, and lift themselves and their communities gradually out of poverty; crime causes poverty; terrorism causes poverty; and terrorists are given hope by the craven appeasement of the empty-headed Western intellectuals and politicians who come to bargain for their lives - at others' expense, of course. My theory is justified, I believe, by the strong relationship between foreign aid and homicides that occur one year later . Based on the strong linear correlation between foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority and the number of homicides committed by Palestinian Arabs one year later, I have used extrapolation to predict the consequences of a promised $7.4 billion in aid to the Palestinian Arabs. Please understand that extrapolation is far less reliable than interpolation. Nevertheless, my model predicts approximately 4600 homicides can be expected within a year after the infusion of the pledged foreign aid. This is equivalent to the murder of some 215,000 Americans. Dec. 30, 2007 update : For an exchange on the methodology of the Stotsky study, see the challenge from Basel Saleh, Asst. Professor of Economics, Radford University and Steven Stotsky at “ False Analysis .” Related Topics: Palestinians , US policy receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
1993 में ओस्लो समझौते के आरम्भ से इजरायल की युद्ध अर्थव्यस्था की समझ में संशय उत्पन्न हुआ है। अपने शत्रुओं को संसाधनों से विहीन करने के स्थान पर इजरायल के लोग शिमोन पेरेज के रहस्यमयी विचार को अपना रहे हैं कि नये मध्य पूर्व की रचना हो और वे सशक्त बनाये जायें। जैसा कि मैने 2001 में लिखा था कि एक ओर शत्रु से लड़ा जाये और उसी के साथ उसे संसाधन उपलब्ध कराये जाएं यह अच्छा विचार नहीं है। सभी पश्चिमी देशों को इजरायल से आरम्भ कर फिलीस्तीनी युद्ध को आर्थिक सहायता देने के स्थान पर इसे बन्द कर दिया जाये।
संज्ञा.- the act of infusing or introducing a certain modifying element or quality; "the team''s continued success is attributable to a steady infusion of new talent"
- (medicine) the passive introduction of a substance (a fluid or drug or electrolyte) into a vein or between tissues (as by gravitational force)
- the process of extracting certain active properties (as a drug from a plant) by steeping or soaking (usually in water)
- a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)
पर्याय: extract