
journeyed मीनिंग इन हिंदी

journeyed उदाहरण वाक्य
डाउनलोड Hindlish App

उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. The newest members journeyed to Habonim from a much shorter distance.
  2. Platt was with Nixon when he journeyed to the Great Wall.
  3. They had journeyed 100 kilometers ( 60 miles ) to safety.
  4. Ohio Gov . Voinovich has journeyed overseas seven times since 1991.
  5. Raborn and Helms soon journeyed to the LBJ ranch in Texas.
  6. He journeyed to Rome in 1482 with his master, Rosselli.
  7. Brian then journeyed with Thor into a dimension ruled by Juggernaut.
  8. The Naturalist William Bartram journeyed through Ocmulgee in 1774 and 1776.
  9. He journeyed to America to search for the missing Black Bolt.
  10. Volkmar raised an army and journeyed to Kislev to confront Archaon.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. journey log book
  2. journey on tour
  3. journey on transfer
  4. journey or voyage
  5. journey time
  6. journeyer
  7. journeyers
  8. journeying
  9. journeyman
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