combiners उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- The Autobot combiners were hoping to prevent an arms race between the various factions by stopping combiners signing up with the factions.
- The Autobot combiners were hoping to prevent an arms race between the various factions by stopping combiners signing up with the factions.
- Although most of the combiners are little more than lumbering brutes who use sheer force to obliterate their enemies, Predaking is different.
- Visser's connection to North Dakota began through Marvin and Gene Allen, two Stutsman County custom combiners he met several years ago.
- Typical modules would be signal sources, combiners and modifiers, effects modules, sync, color encoder, color decoder, and NTSC video interface.
- Combiners may have special coatings that reflect the monochromatic light projected onto it from the projector unit while allowing all other wavelengths of light to pass through.
- The titanic Transformers of Gigantion are large and powerful where their size are compared the combined form of the known Combiners of the Autobots and the Decepticons.
- Antenna combiners are implemented to use the same antenna for several TRXs ( carriers ), the more TRXs are combined the greater the combiner loss will be.
- Where some of the other combiners have trouble thinking due to the mismatched minds of their components, all the Predacons are focused on the thrill of the hunt.
- As at Prince George, most of the good general combiners were identifiable at plantation age 3 ( 6 years from seed ), and genotype environment interactions were small.