confabulate उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- In psychiatry, confabulate is defined in the OED as " to fabricate imaginary experiences as compensation for loss of memory ."
- I am reminded not only of a Viennese doctor but of Viennese pastry shops, or of places where people gather after hours to confabulate.
- That you alleged I " rail against Frizzmaz " shows the problem : you confabulate via paranoia and delusion when you read what I wrote.
- His last paper examined how hypnosis could encourage witnesses to confabulate, or " remember " things they could not have seen or experienced.
- The English verb confabulate is rooted in the Latin fabula, " story, " also the root of fable, fabulous and fabricate.
- Neither Odetta nor Detta are aware of the existence of the other, and confabulate memories for the periods when they are not the dominant personality.
- :: Did you intend to start this thread at WP : VPT instead of here ? confabulate 23 : 49, 16 March 2011 ( UTC)
- Research has shown that patients with damage to the inferior medial frontal lobe confabulate significantly more than patients with damage to the posterior area and healthy controls.
- However, rather than acknowledge their lack of insight, they confabulate a plausible explanation, and " seem " to be " unaware of their unawareness ".
- For example, an individual who confabulates their previous experiences or resume out of either ignorance or self-importance is likened to a " rainbow over Texas ".