daucus carota उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- The nationally rare species of shore dock ( " Rumex rupestris " ) and wild asparagus ( " Asparagus officinalis " ) can be found in the maritime grassland habitats, along with the also nationally rare carrot-broomrape ( " Orobanche maritima " ), a parasite of wild carrot ( " Daucus carota " ).
- European starlings ( " Sturnus vulgaris " ) preferentially select and line their nests with wild carrot ( " Daucus carota " ); chicks from nests lined with this have greater levels of haemoglobin compared to those from nests which are not, although there is no difference in the weight or feather development of the chicks.
- "There is, however, much variety within the vegetation and several species that are generally scattered in the turf such as Glaucous Sedge " ( Carex flacca ) ", Spring-Sedge " ( Carex caryophyllea ) ", Wild Carrot " ( Daucus carota ) " and Kidney Vetch " ( Anthyllis vulneraria ) " show localised abundance ."