disabilities उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- Should Westerners accept this imbalance, the dhimmi status will follow. This Islamic concept permits “people of the book,” monotheists such as Christians and Jews, to continue to practice their religion under Muslim rule, subject to many restrictions. For its time, the dhimmi status offered certain benefits (until as recently as 1945, Jews generally had better lives in Islamdom than in Christendom), but it is intended to insult and humiliate non-Muslims, even as it exalts Muslims' superiority. Dhimmi s pay additional taxes, may not join the military or the government, and suffer from encompassing legal disabilities. In some times and places, dhimmi s could ride on a donkey but not on a horse, wore distinctive clothing, and an elderly dhimmi on the street was required to jump out of the way of a Muslim child. Elements of the dhimmi status have recently been applied in such varied places as Gaza, the West Bank, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Clearly, Londonistan and beyond are also in their sights.
क्या पश्चिमी लोगों को इस असंतुलन को स्वीकार करना चाहिये, इससे तो धिम्मी स्थिति बरकरार रहेगी। इस इस्लामी अवधारणा के अनुसार , “ पुस्तकीय लोग” एकेश्वरवादी जैसे ईसाई और यहूदी मुस्लिम शासन में अपने मजहब का पालन करें और उन पर अनेक अवरोध भी होंगे। इस समय में धिम्मी स्थिति के अनेक लाभ भी हैं ( 1945 तक यहूदी ईसाई क्षेत्र की अपेक्षा इस्लाम क्षेत्र में अधिक सुविधायें प्राप्त करते थे)परंतु इसका प्रमुख आशय गैर मुस्लिमों को अपमानित और लाँक्षित करना है और यहाँ तक कि यह मुस्लिम सर्वोच्चता को स्थापित करना है।