discretional उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- Initially, Stalin directed systems that rejected Western institutional characteristics of market economies, democratic governance ( dubbed " bourgeois democracy " in Soviet parlance ) and the rule of law subduing discretional intervention by the state.
- Initially, Stalin directed systems that rejected Western institutional characteristics of market economies, multi-party governance ( dubbed " bourgeois democracy " in Soviet parlance ) and the rule of law subduing discretional intervention by the state.
- Two classes were created : the " Great Crosses " and the " Pensioners ", the monarch being discretional with his authorization, although it was limited to sixty of the former and two-hundred of the latter.
- Dexter Thomas of " Los Angeles Times " wrote that the mainstream media was discretional about rebroadcasting the footage to white audience, while it frequently showed content of many black people being killed, traumatizing the black audience.
- Ricardo Garcia Sainz, chairman of the budget committee in the lower house of congress said the government's 1997 spending included the discretional use of more than dlrs 4 billion to bail out the state-run Foreign Trade Bank.
- Initially, Stalin directed systems in the Eastern Bloc countries that rejected Western institutional characteristics of market economies, democratic governance ( dubbed " bourgeois democracy " in Soviet parlance ) and the rule of law subduing discretional intervention by the state.
- Taiwan loaned dlrs 120 million to Panama last year _ dlrs 50 million to build hospitals and the rest for " discretional use " by the Panamanian government _ the newspaper La Prensa reported in August, citing unidentified government sources.
- Since this is a rather new law so far, no further explanatory regulation regarding a detailed amount and applicable scope is promulgated guiding the application of this rule, so a court judge may have discretional power to decide punitive damages case by case under this new law.
- Despite WDBJ's plea on Twitter not to " share or post the video, " Everytown for Gun Safety eventually shared the broadcast video with a three-second discretional warning, but the organization used neither Flanagan's video nor his name for video sharing.
- "They're taking the position that summary execution, drawing and quartering, rape and torture are permissible and the only reason we're not doing these things is a discretional, policy judgment by the president that we won't, " said Hurst Hannum, an international law professor at Tufts University in Boston.