efficient cause उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- What we typically mean by cause in the modern scientific idiom is only a narrow part of what Aristotle means by efficient cause.
- To use Aristotle's well-known terminology these are descriptions of efficient cause, and not formal cause or final cause.
- {{ Quote | The action of an efficient cause may sometimes, but not always, be described in terms of quantitative force.
- The efficient cause is how a system moves and develops : to a modern biologist, those are explained by developmental biology and physiology.
- In ordinary language, there are various meanings of the word cause, the commonest referring to efficient cause, the topic of the present article.
- Sutras 1.4 . 23 through 1.4 . 27 state that Brahman is the efficient cause and the material cause of the world.
- Because contragrade changes are driven by external interactions with another changing system, contragrade causes can be seen as analogous to Aristotle's efficient cause.
- The true efficient cause of an ecclesiastical custom, in as far as it constitutes law, is solely the consent of the competent legislating authority.
- Pierre formulated what is now known as the " Curie Dissymmetry Principle " : a physical effect cannot have a dissymmetry absent from its efficient cause.
- He is identical with the Stoic " efficient cause . " He is impelled to activity chiefly by His goodness, which is the basis of the Creation.