
fumigating उदाहरण वाक्य

fumigating हिंदी में मतलब

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. So there's no need to fumigate your office or cubicle.
  2. The more you fumigate, the more the farmers plant.
  3. Others are being cleared of mud, scrubbed and fumigated.
  4. The Hart Senate Office Building was fumigated over the weekend.
  5. Because it grows on mountains, it is also difficult to fumigate.
  6. Crop-dusting planes fumigate the coca crops with herbicide.
  7. In 1924 a concrete fumigation chamber was built to fumigate infected imports.
  8. The quarantine was lifted but the burning and fumigating continued.
  9. The following year the fumigated hospital was sold to a building company.
  10. Should their pet be dipped, fumigated and collared?
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