fundamentalist उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- Hasina 's ruling Awami League has been quick to blame fundamentalist groups , particularly after the most recent blast on April 14 in Dhaka 's Ramna Park during the Bengali New Year celebration which killed nine and injured 20 .
हसीना की सत्ताधारी अवामी लीग ने इसके लिए कट्टंरपंथी समूहों को जिमेदार बताया है , खासकर 14 अप्रैल को बंगाली नववर्ष समारोह के मौके पर ढाका के रमना पार्क में विस्फोट के बाद , जिसमें नौ लग मारे गए और 20 घायल हो गए . - In the Shah Banu case , the law-makers yielded to the pressure of fundamentalist Muslim opinion and much against the letter and spirit of the constitutional precepts of secularism or equal justice for all , Muslim Women -LRB- Protection of Right of Divorce -RRB- Act , 1986 was brought in to nullify the Supreme Court judgement .
शाह बानो के मामले में कानून-निर्माता रूढ़िवादी मुसलमानों के दबाव में आ गए और पंथनिरपेक्षता या सभी के लिए समान न्याय के संवैधानिक संबोध की मूल भावना के नितांत प्रतिकूल मुस्लिम महिला ( विवाह-विच्छेद के अधिकार का संरक्षण ) अधिनियम , 1986 लाया गया ताकि उच्च्तम न्यायालय के निर्णय को रद्द किया जा सके . - All three alleged terrorists succeeded in talking the academic talk, fooling nearly everyone. Shallah wrote in 1993, in his capacity as director of WISE, that the organization's long-term goal is “to contribute to the understanding of the revivalist Islamist trends, misleadingly labeled 'fundamentalist' in Western and American academic circles.”
तीनों ही आरोपी आतंकवादी अकादमिक बातचीत करने और लगभग सभी बेवकूफ बनाने में सफल रहे। 1993 में WISE के निदेशक की हैसियत से उसने संगठन के दीर्घगामी लक्ष्य को घोषित किया “ पुनरूत्थानवादी इस्लामी रूझान को समझने में सहयोग देना जिसे गलत ढंग से अमेरिकी अकादमिक खेमे और पश्चिम में ‘कट्टरपंथी के रूप में कहा जाता है '' - First, the UK government has decided that terrorism by Muslims in the name of Islam is actually unrelated to Islam, or is even anti-Islamic. This notion took root in 2006 when the Foreign Office , afraid that the term “war on terror” would inflame British Muslims, sought language that upholds “shared values as a means to counter terrorists.” By early 2007, the European Union issued a classified handbook that banned jihad , Islamic , and fundamentalist in reference to terrorism, offering instead some “non-offensive” phrases. Last summer, Prime Minister Gordon Brown prohibited his ministers from using the word Muslim in connection with terrorism. In January, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith went further, actually describing terrorism as “anti-Islamic.” And last week the Home Office completed the obfuscation by issuing a counter-terrorism phrasebook that instructs civil servants to refer only to violent extremism and criminal murderers , not Islamist extremism and jihadi-fundamentalists .
वैसे तो ब्रिटेन का प्रतिदिन का जीवन किसी को सामान्य सा दिख सकता है परन्तु यह एक भ्रम है और ब्रिटिश जनता का इस्लाम के साथ भारी तौर पर सामना हो रहा है। पिछले सप्ताह की तीन घटनायें जो वर्षों पुराने रूझान को अभिव्यक्ति करती हैं न कि कोई संयोग उन परिवर्तनों का उदाहरण प्रस्तुत करती है जो अन्दर ही अन्दर चल रहे हैं। - (1) Ankara and Tehran work together ever closely these days but I predict that they will soon be rivals for Islamist leadership. Historical pride, sectarian ambition, and geo-strategic competition all suggest that the current moment of harmony will not last long. Look for the Turks to dispute Iranian leadership in such arenas as commercial prowess, military power, and religious potency. (2) I sketched out this rivalry in a 1994 article in the National Interest , “ [Turkey vs. Iran and] Islam's Intramural Struggle ,” in which I noted “a long, deep, and difficult fight” likely brewing “between two of the great countries of the Middle East, Turkey and Iran.” Turks , I wrote, “seem not yet to realize what the mullahs know: that fundamentalist Islam will rise or fall depending on what Turks do, and that Iran and Turkey are therefore engaged in a mortal combat. Will Turks wake up in time to hold their own? Much hinges on the result.” At this point, it appears that Turks did not wake up but, rather, Iranians did.
.हो सकता है कि आज मध्य पूर्व के लिये समस्या दिखने वाला देश कल रचनात्मकता और शालीनता का नेता बन जाये जबकि दूसरी ओर पिछले पाँच दशक से पश्चिम का मुस्लिम सहयोगी सबसे बडे शत्रु और प्रतिक्रियावादी के रूप में परिवर्तित हो जाये। भविष्य के लिये बात करना सरल नहीं है लेकिन समय का पहिया चलता रहता है और इतिहास में आश्चर्य होते रहते हैं। - (8) The use of Islamic fascists should be seen as part of a decades-long search for the right term to name a form of Islam that is recognizably political, extreme, and often violent. I have already confessed in that I am on my fifth term (having previously used neo-orthodox, fundamentalist, and militant, and now using radical and Islamist). While Islamic fascists beats terrorists , let's hope that a better consensus term soon emerges. My vote is for Islamists . Related Topics: Conservatives & Liberals , Radical Islam , US policy , War on terror receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
8 - इस्लामी फासीवाद को इस्लाम के उस रुप को पहचानने की दशकों पुरानी खोज का इसे एक हिस्सा समझना चाहिए जो राजनीतिक रुप से अतिवादी और कभी -कभी हिंसक है . जैसा कि मैं पहले ही स्वीकार कर चुका हूं कि मैं पांचवे शब्द प्रयोग पर हूं. ( नव परंपरावादी , कट्टरपंथी , उग्रवादी और अब इस्लामवादी ) यद्यपि इस्लामी फासीवाद आतंकवादियों स बढ़कर है और हम आशा कर सकते हैं कि इससे भी बेहतर सर्वसम्मत शब्द शीघ्र ही उभर कर सामने आएगा. मेरा मत इस्लामवादी शब्द के पक्ष में है. - Consider the chilling words of Wadih Hage, one of the Islamic terrorists who bombed American embassies in Africa in 1998, killing 224 people and wounding 4,600 others. At his sentencing to life imprisonment in federal court in New York on October 18, Hage, a naturalized American citizen and former personal secretary to Osama bin Laden, remarked (as paraphrased by the Washington Post ): “On this soil . . . he and his fellow fundamentalist Muslims had been free to plan for an even more perfect nation; a theocratic state run by Allah's law, such as Afghanistan's Taliban regime.”
1998 में अफ्रीका में अमेरिकी दूतावास पर आक्रमण कर 224 लोगों की हत्या और 4,600 लोगों को घायल करने वाले इस्लामी आतंकवादी वादिह हाज के कँपा देने वाले शब्दों पर ध्यान दीजिये । 18 अक्टूबर को न्यूयार्क के संघीय न्यायालय में आजीवन कारावास की सजा पाने पर हाज जो कि अमेरिका का नैसर्गिक नागरिक था और ओसामा बिन लादेन का पूर्व व्यक्तिगत सचिव था उसने जो कुछ कहा उसे वाशिंगटन पोस्ट ने इस प्रकार प्रकाशित किया “ इस धरती पर वह और उसके साथी कट्टरपंथी मुसलमान इस बात के लिये स्वतंत्र हैं कि वे और अधिक सुयोग्य शासन की स्थापना करें , एक मजहबी राज्य जो कि अल्लाह के कानून द्वारा संचालित हो जैसा कि अफगानिस्तान में तालिबान का शासन है” । - Some of the more prominent disciples of the scholars included: (1) Jabril ibn Umar, who studied in Cairo and taught the new ideas to Uthman dan Fodio; in 1804, the latter launched the Fulani jihads in the northern Nigeria area which convulsed the region for decades. (2) Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab studied for many years in Mecca and founded a movement that came to be named after him, the Wahhabiya, probably the most extreme fundamentalist movement ever to succeed politically. In 1744, he formed an alliance with a tribal leader, Muhammad ibn Sa'ud which assured the Wahhabis a lasting voice in Arabian politics. In turn, the Wahhabis influenced other fundamentalists; for instance, a Moroccan sultan sent a delegation to Mecca in 1812 to learn about Wahhabi practices. (3) A Moroccan scholar, Ahmad ibn Idris, studied in Mecca and later established an independent state, run by religious leaders, in Asir province, to the south of Mecca. (4) Shah Wali Ullah, the outstanding Islamic thinker of India, studied in the Hijaz in the early eighteenth century. (5) Shariat Allah, the founder of the Fara'idiya, a fundamentalist movement in Bengal, studied in Mecca for twenty years before returning home and agitating for fundamentalist goals. (6) Abd ar-Ra'uf as-Sinkili studied for nineteen years in Arabia before going back to Indonesia and spreading a Neo-Sufi order. (7) Abd as-Samad al-Palimbani studied and taught in Mecca before he too returned to Indonesia to propagate a brotherhood. (8) Three scholars returning from Mecca called for stricter legalism and founded the Padri movement of Sumatra. (9) Ma Ming-hsin of Kansu province in China studied on the Arabian peninsula before establishing the New Teaching which later fomented a revolt against the Chinese authorities. Related Topics: History , Mecca and Medina , Radical Islam receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
(5) बंगाल में कट्टरपन्थी आंदोलन के संस्थापक शरियत अल्लाह ने बीस वर्षों तक मक्का में अध्ययन किया और इसके बाद वे वापस लौटे और अपने कट्टरपन्थी उद्देश्य के लिये आंदोलन आरम्भ किया। (6) अब्द अर रऊफ अस सिंकिली ने अरब में उन्नीस वर्षों तक अध्ययन किया और फिर इंडोनेशिया वापस लौटकर नव सूफी व्यवस्था का प्रचार किया। (7) अब्द अस समद अल पलिमबानी ने मक्का में अध्ययन किया और अध्यापन किया और वे भी इंडोनेशिया लौटकर बंधुता का प्रचार करने लगे। (8) मक्का से लौटने वाले तीन विद्वानों ने कठोर कानून की वकालत की और सुमात्रा में पादरी आंदोलन की स्थापना की। (9) चीन में कांसू प्रांत के मा मिंघसिन ने चीन के अधिकारियों के विरुद्ध विद्रोह की प्रेरक शिक्षाओं से पूर्व उन्होंने अरब प्रायद्वीप में अध्ययन किया था। - Some of the more prominent disciples of the scholars included: (1) Jabril ibn Umar, who studied in Cairo and taught the new ideas to Uthman dan Fodio; in 1804, the latter launched the Fulani jihads in the northern Nigeria area which convulsed the region for decades. (2) Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab studied for many years in Mecca and founded a movement that came to be named after him, the Wahhabiya, probably the most extreme fundamentalist movement ever to succeed politically. In 1744, he formed an alliance with a tribal leader, Muhammad ibn Sa'ud which assured the Wahhabis a lasting voice in Arabian politics. In turn, the Wahhabis influenced other fundamentalists; for instance, a Moroccan sultan sent a delegation to Mecca in 1812 to learn about Wahhabi practices. (3) A Moroccan scholar, Ahmad ibn Idris, studied in Mecca and later established an independent state, run by religious leaders, in Asir province, to the south of Mecca. (4) Shah Wali Ullah, the outstanding Islamic thinker of India, studied in the Hijaz in the early eighteenth century. (5) Shariat Allah, the founder of the Fara'idiya, a fundamentalist movement in Bengal, studied in Mecca for twenty years before returning home and agitating for fundamentalist goals. (6) Abd ar-Ra'uf as-Sinkili studied for nineteen years in Arabia before going back to Indonesia and spreading a Neo-Sufi order. (7) Abd as-Samad al-Palimbani studied and taught in Mecca before he too returned to Indonesia to propagate a brotherhood. (8) Three scholars returning from Mecca called for stricter legalism and founded the Padri movement of Sumatra. (9) Ma Ming-hsin of Kansu province in China studied on the Arabian peninsula before establishing the New Teaching which later fomented a revolt against the Chinese authorities. Related Topics: History , Mecca and Medina , Radical Islam receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
(5) बंगाल में कट्टरपन्थी आंदोलन के संस्थापक शरियत अल्लाह ने बीस वर्षों तक मक्का में अध्ययन किया और इसके बाद वे वापस लौटे और अपने कट्टरपन्थी उद्देश्य के लिये आंदोलन आरम्भ किया। (6) अब्द अर रऊफ अस सिंकिली ने अरब में उन्नीस वर्षों तक अध्ययन किया और फिर इंडोनेशिया वापस लौटकर नव सूफी व्यवस्था का प्रचार किया। (7) अब्द अस समद अल पलिमबानी ने मक्का में अध्ययन किया और अध्यापन किया और वे भी इंडोनेशिया लौटकर बंधुता का प्रचार करने लगे। (8) मक्का से लौटने वाले तीन विद्वानों ने कठोर कानून की वकालत की और सुमात्रा में पादरी आंदोलन की स्थापना की। (9) चीन में कांसू प्रांत के मा मिंघसिन ने चीन के अधिकारियों के विरुद्ध विद्रोह की प्रेरक शिक्षाओं से पूर्व उन्होंने अरब प्रायद्वीप में अध्ययन किया था। - Some of the more prominent disciples of the scholars included: (1) Jabril ibn Umar, who studied in Cairo and taught the new ideas to Uthman dan Fodio; in 1804, the latter launched the Fulani jihads in the northern Nigeria area which convulsed the region for decades. (2) Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab studied for many years in Mecca and founded a movement that came to be named after him, the Wahhabiya, probably the most extreme fundamentalist movement ever to succeed politically. In 1744, he formed an alliance with a tribal leader, Muhammad ibn Sa'ud which assured the Wahhabis a lasting voice in Arabian politics. In turn, the Wahhabis influenced other fundamentalists; for instance, a Moroccan sultan sent a delegation to Mecca in 1812 to learn about Wahhabi practices. (3) A Moroccan scholar, Ahmad ibn Idris, studied in Mecca and later established an independent state, run by religious leaders, in Asir province, to the south of Mecca. (4) Shah Wali Ullah, the outstanding Islamic thinker of India, studied in the Hijaz in the early eighteenth century. (5) Shariat Allah, the founder of the Fara'idiya, a fundamentalist movement in Bengal, studied in Mecca for twenty years before returning home and agitating for fundamentalist goals. (6) Abd ar-Ra'uf as-Sinkili studied for nineteen years in Arabia before going back to Indonesia and spreading a Neo-Sufi order. (7) Abd as-Samad al-Palimbani studied and taught in Mecca before he too returned to Indonesia to propagate a brotherhood. (8) Three scholars returning from Mecca called for stricter legalism and founded the Padri movement of Sumatra. (9) Ma Ming-hsin of Kansu province in China studied on the Arabian peninsula before establishing the New Teaching which later fomented a revolt against the Chinese authorities. Related Topics: History , Mecca and Medina , Radical Islam receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
(5) बंगाल में कट्टरपन्थी आंदोलन के संस्थापक शरियत अल्लाह ने बीस वर्षों तक मक्का में अध्ययन किया और इसके बाद वे वापस लौटे और अपने कट्टरपन्थी उद्देश्य के लिये आंदोलन आरम्भ किया। (6) अब्द अर रऊफ अस सिंकिली ने अरब में उन्नीस वर्षों तक अध्ययन किया और फिर इंडोनेशिया वापस लौटकर नव सूफी व्यवस्था का प्रचार किया। (7) अब्द अस समद अल पलिमबानी ने मक्का में अध्ययन किया और अध्यापन किया और वे भी इंडोनेशिया लौटकर बंधुता का प्रचार करने लगे। (8) मक्का से लौटने वाले तीन विद्वानों ने कठोर कानून की वकालत की और सुमात्रा में पादरी आंदोलन की स्थापना की। (9) चीन में कांसू प्रांत के मा मिंघसिन ने चीन के अधिकारियों के विरुद्ध विद्रोह की प्रेरक शिक्षाओं से पूर्व उन्होंने अरब प्रायद्वीप में अध्ययन किया था।