lxxx उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- The division was assigned to the LXXX Corps of the German Seventh Army which formed the southern shoulder of the German armies attacking in the Ardennes . " General der Panzertruppe"
- Roma, Analecta Romana Instituti Danici Supplementum XLIII . Edizione Quasar di Severino Tognon srl ., juli 2013, Orchestral score, introduction, critical report, ill ., LXXX + 605 pp ., ISBN 978-88-7140-517-9
- Beyer2 s " LXXX Corps ", transferred from the 7 . " Armee " to plug the hole from the north alongside the Rhine, had hardly anything left to prevent the 12th Armored Division from driving southward from Ludwigshafen toward Speyer.
- The "'2009 Italian Grand Prix "'( formally the "'LXXX Gran Premio Santander d'Italia "') was a Formula One motor race held on 13 September 2009 at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Monza, Italy.
- According to a marginal note on the reverse side, this map was once owned by Amerigo Vespucci, who paid 80 gold ducats for it . ( " Questa ampia pella di geographia fue pagata da Amerigo Vespuci-LXXX ducati di oro di marco " ).
- Canto LXXX opens in the camp in the shadow of death and soon turns to memories of London, Paris and Spain, including a recollection of Walter Rummel, who worked with Pound on troubadour music before World War I and of Eliot, Wyndham Lewis, Laurence Binyon and others.
- Philip was staying about a mile away from Acre, in a place called " the New Vineyard " ( " la Vigne Neuve " ) with " 80 men on horses and 300 archer-villeins from his land " ( " lxxx . homes a chevau et . ccc . archers vilains de sa terre " ).
- Richard Sieburth wrote that Pound recorded it in " Canto LXXX ", where Odysseus is saved from drowning by Leucothea : " hast'ou swum in a sea of air strip / through an aeon of nothingness, / when the raft broke and the waters went over me . " Medical staff moved him out of the cage the following week.
- Another midrash implicates Jacob in Dinah's misfortune : when he went to meet Esau, he locked Dinah in a box, for fear that Esau would wish to marry her, but God rebuked him in these words : " If thou hadst married off thy daughter in time she would not have been tempted to sin, and might, moreover, have exerted a beneficial influence upon her husband " ( Gen . R . lxxx . ).
- :" if anyone has not kept the fast of Lent, or of the ember-days, or of the rogations, or that which may have been appointed by the bishop for the staying of any plague; if there by any one who has not gone to Holy Communion three time in the year, that is at Easter, Pentecost and Christmas; if there by any one who has withheld tithes from God and His saints; if toeev here by anyone so perverse and so alienated from God as not to come to Church at least on Sundays; if there be anyone who has not gone to confession once in the year, that is at the beginning of Lent, and has not done penance for his sins " ( Hafner, Zur Geschichte der Kirchengebote, in Theologische Quartalschrift, LXXX, 104 ).