machine independent उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- Another format is "'. x _ b "', which is in binary format so it is more machine independent and not subject to binary-to-text conversion errors.
- If the records in a data set, or the items in a list of data structures, are organised this way they can be handled safely in a machine independent way.
- "' Machine Independent "': Since the multiple passes include a modular structure, and the code generation decoupled from the other steps of the compiler, the passes can be reused for different hardware / machines.
- Rather than making an interpretation of straightforwardly into machine code, cutting edge compilers mean a machine independent intermediate code to improve compactness of the compiler and minimise outline endeavours ( Yin, et al ., 2012 ).
- This C program ( which is machine independent because it implements certain operations in abstract form ) is then compiled using the native C compiler on the target machine with custom libraries optimized to the specific platform.
- Once system writers become mature enough to recognize this basic truth, they gravitate naturally toward machine independent SILs . . . . it looks like the little implementation language is an idea whose time as come-- and gone ."
- R�hrich, T ., & Welfonder, E ., 2014, Machine Independent Software Wiring and Programming of Distributed Digital Control Systems, In Digital Computer Applications to Process Control : Proceedings of the 7th IFAC / IFIP / IMACS Conference, Vienna, Austria, 17 20 September 1985 ( p . 247 ), " Elsevier"
- A next step in IS modeling was taken by CODASYL, an IT industry consortium formed in 1959, who essentially aimed at the same thing as Young and Kent : the development of " a proper structure for machine independent problem definition language, at the system level of data processing ".
- But almost every time, it proved easier ( and more rewarding ) to improve C, or its runtime support, or the hardware, than to invest time in yet another language . . . . A machine independent language is always superior-- even for writing machine dependent code ( it's easier to find trained programmers )-- so long as the overhead can be endured.