scurrilities उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- The long and the short of it is that whatever the longeurs and other shortcomings of Cole's play, you care for these people; you wish them solace in their sexual games and even paltrier verbal scurrilities ".
- While " in statu pupillari " he was suddenly called on by the vice-chancellor to act as " terr?filius " in place of one who was deprived of the office on account of his scurrility.
- Much of the best writing, and of the rankest scurrility, be it said, was produced by editors born and trained abroad, like Bache of the " Aurora ", Cobbett, Cooper, Gales, Cheetham, Callender, Lyon, and Holt.
- Medley, who can be regarded as Fieldings spokesman, explains : " . . . my design is to ridicule the vicious and foolish customs of the age, and that in a fair manner, without fear, favour or ill nature, and without scurrility, ill manners, or commonplace.
- After O'Connor wrote a letter cancelling his subscription to the paper, " The Colonial Times " satirically referred to him as " Don Roderic ", with reference to his claim to descended from the kings of Ireland, and ridiculed the " scurrility and abuse " to which he resorted.
- If I was to berate Stanley Fish the way some of his critics have _ calling him a " trafficker in scurrility, " a " morally disgusting " writer, an " intellectual boot-boy " _ then Fish, a professorial lover of polemic, might even get a certain amount of pleasure out of the diatribe.
- Ten years after the decree Paolo Veronese was summoned by the Inquisition to explain why his " Last Supper ", a huge canvas for the refectory of a monastery, contained, in the words of the Inquisition : " buffoons, drunken Germans, dwarfs and other such scurrilities " as well as extravagant costumes and settings, in what is indeed a fantasy version of a Venetian patrician feast.
- Ten years after the decree Paolo Veronese was summoned by the Holy Office to explain why his " Last Supper ", a huge canvas for the refectory of a monastery, contained, in the words of the Holy Office : " buffoons, drunken Germans, dwarfs and other such scurrilities " as well as extravagant costumes and settings, in what is indeed a fantasy version of a Venetian patrician feast.
- Bork responded, " There was not a line in that speech that was accurate . " In an obituary of Kennedy, " The Economist " remarked that Bork may well have been correct, " but it worked . " book, " The Tempting of America ", that the brief prepared for Sen . Joe Biden, head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, " so thoroughly misrepresented a plain record that it easily qualifies as world class in the category of scurrility ."
- As James Forbes put it,'week after week he poured forth vollies of abuse against the Presbytery, unequalled for satanic bitterness and vulgar scurrility, by the worst of the London Sunday papers .'Lang was on a further trip to Britain and America 1839 41, and in his absence terms of union were agreed and the union consummated on 5 October 1840 under the name'Synod of Australia in connection with the Established Church of Scotland .'The Basis did not give the Church of Scotland any legislative or judicial jurisdiction, but the Synod was committed to the same doctrinal basis as the Church of Scotland.