terrigenous उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- Terrigenous sediments that eroded from Paleozoic rocks, and weakly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks from the Ouachita Mountains in Oklahoma constitute a large part of the Woodbine.
- Provenance of the terrigenous material that constitutes the Barnett Shale was from Ouachita thrust sheets and the reactivation of older structures such as the Muenster Arch.
- Host rocks for the upper parts of the ore zones are the Upper Cretaceous sediments and the volcanic rocks in the richer lower Jurassic terrigenous deposit.
- The Kab Formation consists of dark grey sandy sericitic schists, interpreted as metamorphosed terrigenous rocks, acid volcanic rocks and minor beds of marble and phyllite.
- They concluded that the only way to explain the latitudinal variations was through the addition of an increasing input of terrigenous sediments toward the continental regions in the north China and Taiwan
- The rocks in the Bellerophon Formation contain evaporites and show a transgression, the stratigraphically lower sediments have evidence of terrigenous influence, the upper sediments got mainly formed in a marine environment.
- One familiar source of terrigenous input to the Gulf is the Colorado River, which empties into the northern Gulf ( though no longer consistently, as a result of overuse for irrigation ).
- A stratigraphic column, logged along the La Palma-Yacop?road and published in 2001, shows this unit is composed of a black terrigenous marl with a solid appearance with black calcareous claystone intercalations.
- To the west, the Apulia Platform plunges downfaulted underneath the terrigenous sediments of the Apennine foredeep; to the southeast, the Jurassic Early Cretaceous margin lies 20 30 km offshore from the present Apulia coastline.
- "Core description and depositional analysis of the terrigenous Triassic section in the Norsk Hydro 7321 / 8-1 well; Barents Sea, Norway . " Geological Science Group Rept ., TSR 88-0039, May, 1988.