transverse mercator projection उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- The transverse Mercator projection is a variant of the Mercator projection, which was originally developed by the conformal, which means it preserves angles and therefore shapes across small regions.
- For the transverse Mercator projection used in UTM, the parameters associated are the latitude and longitude of the natural origin, the false northing and false easting, and an overall scale factor.
- These observations prompted the development of the transverse Mercator projections in which a meridian is treated'like an equator'of the projection so that we obtain an accurate map within a narrow distance of that meridian.
- A Mercator map can therefore never fully show the polar areas ( as long as the projection is based on a cylinder centered on the Earth s rotation axis; see the Transverse Mercator projection for another application ).
- Zones that are long in the north south direction use the Transverse Mercator projection because it is better at maintaining accuracy along a north south axis, due to the circumference of the projection cylinder being oriented along a meridian of longitude.
- Bowring rewrote the fourth order Redfearn series ( after discarding small terms ) in a more compact notation by replacing the spherical terms, i . e . those independent of ellipticity, by the exact expressions used in the spherical transverse Mercator projection.
- This is the most striking difference between the spherical and ellipsoidal versions of the transverse Mercator projection : Gauss-Kr�ger gives a reasonable projection of the " whole " ellipsoid to the plane, although its principal application is to accurate large scale mapping " close " to the central meridian.
- There are two main methods of calculating this " centre " : either as the centroid of the two-dimensional shape made by the country ( projected to the Airy ellipsoid then flattened using the Transverse Mercator projection ), or as the point farthest from the boundary of the country ( either the sea, or, in the case of constituent countries, a land border ).