comminuted उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- The indications to use CT for mandible fracture vary by region, but it does not seem to add to diagnosis or treatment planning except for comminuted or avulsive type fractures, although, there is better clinician agreement on the location and absence of fractures with CT compared to panoramic radiography.
- A species of " Carnobacterium ", " C . maltaromaticum " strain CB1, has been evaluated under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, as a food additive for vacuum-or modified atmosphere-packaged ready-to-eat meat and fresh comminuted, processed meat.
- At this time, most of what Sedgwick called " The English school of geologists " distinguished superficial deposits which were " diluvial ", showing " great irregular masses of sand, loam, and coarse gravel, containing through its mass rounded blocks sometimes of enormous magnitude " and supposedly caused by " some great irregular inundation ", from " alluvial " deposits of " comminuted gravel, silt, loam, and other materials " attributed to lesser events, the " propelling force " of rivers, or " successive partial inundations ".
- Assume that he had to have ( 1 ) the splinters taken out of the scleras " and " corneas of " both " his eyes, ( 2 ) small tears in both irises repaired, ( 3 ) blood drained from inside both eyeballs, ( 4 ) a " SMALL " part of the vitreous humor taken out to remove dried blood, ( 5 ) compound-comminuted fractures in " both " forearms cleaned, aligned, and fixed in position, ( 6 ) simple fractures of the ribs repaired, and ( 7 ) lacerations sutured on face and body . ( Quite a list, huh ? ) talk ) 10 : 13, 8 August 2009 ( UTC)