
air crossing वाक्य

"air crossing" हिंदी में  air crossing in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Chilly air crossing the tepid eastern Great Lakes will produce numerous clouds and a few sprinkles on the east side of Lakes Erie and Ontario.
  2. Every winter, moistened Arctic air crossing open waters is forced to rise over the ridge, setting the stage for a few hundred inches of snow.
  3. In the same way that a hot-air balloon rises, cold air crossing the warmer lakes incites currents of damp air to ascend, often leading to clouds and precipitation.
  4. Netanyahu said that in a long-term interim period, ahead of a final peace settlement, Israel must retain control over land, sea and air crossings to ensure that Palestinian areas are completely disarmed.
  5. In a long-term interim period, ahead of a final peace settlement, Israel must retain control over land, sea and air crossings to ensure that Palestinian areas are completely disarmed, Netanyahu said Thursday.
  6. The first lighter-than-air crossings of the Atlantic were made by airship in July 1919 by His Majesty's Airship Los Angeles ", which had not flown since 1932, was dismantled in late 1939.
  7. He / she may also order the Civil Aviation Department to prohibit the landing or leaving, embarking or disembarking of an aircraft . This power also extends to land, sea or air crossings.
  8. Although it had been planned to continue the journey by ship, he made an impulsive decision to complete it by a direct flight from Bermuda to England, marking the first trans-Atlantic air crossing by a national leader.
  9. In 1922 he was in charge of the navigation cruiser " NRP Rep�blica " ( of the Carvalho Ara�jo class ) during the first air crossing of the South Atlantic by Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro.
  10. "' Jo�o Ribeiro de Barros "'( 4 April 1900 & ndash; 20 July 1947 ) was the first aviator of the three Americas to make an air crossing from Europe to America, on April 28, 1927, crossing the Atlantic Ocean with the Savoia-Marchetti S . 55 hydroplane " Jah?".
अधिक:   पिछला  आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. air corps
  2. air corridor
  3. air cover
  4. air craft carrier
  5. air crew
  6. air current
  7. air cushion
  8. air cushion vehicle
  9. air cycle
  10. air cylinder
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