
anagram वाक्य

"anagram" हिंदी में  anagram in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The anagram stands for Southwestern Area Commerce and Industry Association.
  2. The top 10 anagrams for " Information Superhighway " are:
  3. Favorite anagram of my name : " censors adieu ."
  4. But spending time unraveling anagrams on mountains is something else.
  5. They believed the name Theda Bara was an anagram of Arab Death.
  6. Eight games, including crosswords, doublecross, anagrams and word searches.
  7. Gorey was very fond of word games, particularly anagrams.
  8. The word itself may be an approximate anagram of the word magic.
  9. The title is an anagram for " The First Menomena Album ."
  10. It's a numerical anagram of the 17 / 23 correlation.
अधिक:   पिछला  आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. anaesthetizing
  2. anaglyph
  3. anagoge
  4. anagoges
  5. anagogic
  6. anagrammed
  7. anagramming
  8. anagrams
  9. anal
  10. anal aperture
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