azimuth angle वाक्य
"azimuth angle" हिंदी में azimuth angle in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- QuikSCAT uses a dual-beam, conically scanning antenna that samples the full range of azimuth angles during each antenna revolution.
- Both the tilt angle from the vertical and the azimuth angle of each antenna are fixed when the system is set up.
- However, it is possible to solve the radial part of the integral so that only the integration over the azimuth angle remains to be done numerically.
- Corvus offers distraction and centroid operating modes, with the two differing from one another in the azimuth angle at firing and the range at which chaff is released.
- The contribution for a particular ray with azimuth angle \ theta _ 1 and passing a transparent part of the object plane from r = s to r = t is:
- The particle motion occurs along the figure-8 trajectory in yz plane set perpendicular to the solenoid axis with arbitrary azimuth angle \ varphi due to axial symmetry of the solenoidal magnetic field.
- Retrieval requires an angular diversity scatterometer measurements with the GMF, which is provided by the scatterometer making several backscatter measurements of the same spot on the ocean's surface from different azimuth angles.
- RHEED specialists characterize film morphologies by measuring the changes in beam intensity and comparing these changes to theoretical calculations, which can effectively model the dependence of the intensity of diffracted beams on the azimuth angle.
- Even with these restrictions, if is 0?or 180?( elevation is 90?or " 90?) then the azimuth angle is arbitrary; and if is zero, both azimuth and inclination / elevation are arbitrary.
- These formulae assume that the two systems have the same origin and same reference plane, measure the azimuth angle in the same sense from the same axis, and that the spherical angle is inclination from the cylindrical-axis.