commun वाक्य
"commun" हिंदी में commun in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- The model for this type of arrangement is the Fonds commun de placement common in France and Luxembourg.
- The northwest part of the square consists of a large building originally known as the Casa del Commun Tesoro.
- Archdiocese of Washington : http : / / www . adw . org / commun / news / news26 . html
- In recent years, it has developed new churches in black commun ities at the rate of about 150 a year.
- Urban transport in Limoges and its metropolitan area is operated by Soci�t?de transports en commun de Limoges M�tropole ( STCL ).
- :: Discussing the images separately does not add any value, because the arguments of keeping and removing them are commun.
- This route was subsequently incorporated into the network of the Soci�t?des transports en commun de la r�gion parisienne ( STCRP ).
- In the 1840s, the Packet Office and Island Post Office were moved from the Casa del Commun Tesoro to the Banca Giuratale.
- The OLevel examination, taken at the end of " tronc commun ", determines a students enrollment in upper secondary education.
- Regulatory efforts are coordinated with the ADEQ and the AOGC ( Bevill Bernard, Arkansas Department of Health, written commun ., 2014 ).