
curly hair वाक्य

"curly hair" हिंदी में  curly hair in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Caution ( and moderation ) is well advised, especially for curly hair.
  2. She has thick, brown curly hair and is petite rather than threatening.
  3. But women used to pinch my cheeks and touch my curly hair.
  4. She had dark curly hair, brown eyes and a Grecian nose.
  5. Her curly hair had a cute red satin bow right in the top.
  6. Stems have nodes that are lined with long, sometimes curly hairs.
  7. He is clean shaven, with curly hair and a friendly expression.
  8. His name means " one with curly hair " in Gaulish.
  9. Bing depicts Sambo as a happy boy with short curly hair.
  10. The other alleged suspect has a thick crop of curly hair.
अधिक:   पिछला  आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. curliness
  2. curling
  3. curls
  4. curly
  5. curly brackets
  6. curmudgeon
  7. curragh
  8. currant
  9. currants
  10. currency
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