frizzed उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- Paula Jones has also discarded her frizzed-out hairstyle for a sleek, brushed-forward look ( with makeup and wardrobe to match ) that gives new meaning to the words " camera ready ."
- These styles were made in the soft colors of vegetable dyes, ornamented with hand embroidery in the art needlework style, featured silks, oriental designs, muted colors, natural and frizzed hair and lacked definitive waist emphasis.
- The entire show had a Marlene Dietrich in South-America feel, complete with jauntily angled pilot's caps and excessively frizzed-out hair _ an apparent nod to the humidity that makes many European styles implausible in the tropics.
- Wearing a tailored leather jacket and slacks, her hair frizzed, her jaw jutting, Melissa Manchester suggests a no-nonsense Hollywood gal of a certain age who has pointedly turned her back on the glamour thing in an effort to get real.
- The first shows late 16th century fashion looking ridiculous only on the aging queen herself, as if no other woman at the time ever wore a rigid farthingale and stuffed sleeves, a tightly frizzed wig and a bushel of pearls, or painted her face with white paste.
- Starting next month, swimmers at the popular town pool here may find themselves with fewer red eyes and frizzed-out hair, as a new pool sanitizing system that promises to sharply reduce use of chlorine _ a ubiquitous chemical that is becoming environmentally controversial _ goes into use.
- In compiling a feature story on the cosmetic make-over and de-frizzed hairdo of Clinton's accuser, Post writer Robin Givhan called Zdatny to learn more about a research topic he'd discussed in an article for the journal Fashion Theory : The history of French hairdressers from the 1880s to, roughly, World War II.
- "At that time [ 1780 ] everybody wore powder and pomatum; a large triangular thing called a cushion, to which the hair was frizzed up with three or four enormous curls on each side; the higher the pyramid of hair, gauze, feathers, and other ornaments was carried the more fashionable it was thought, and such was the labour employed to rear the fabric that night-caps were made in proportion to it and covered over the hair, immensely long black pins, double and single, powder, pomatum and all ready for the next day.