
gallanter वाक्य

"gallanter" हिंदी में  gallanter in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Gallanter decided to get into venture capital after spending most of her career in consumer products for such brands as Digital Equipment, Evian water, Gravy Train and Texaco.
  2. Gallanter is the founder of Venture Strategy, a venture capital company in San Francisco that backs such high-profile investments as Flooz . com, eStyle and AllBusiness . com.
  3. "Everybody's just kind of hunkering down and making sure they do not burn through their capital, " said Joanna Gallanter, managing partner of Venture Strategy Group in San Francisco.
  4. Joanna Rees Gallanter will receive NAWBO's " Rising Star " award for her venture capital fund, Venture Strategy, which she started in 1996 and which has $ 200 million in capital.
  5. It turns out that Hambrecht's winery was a client of the firm's consulting business, and they " started to collaborate, " says Joanna Gallanter, founder and general partner of Venture Strategy.
  6. In a conversation at Venture Strategy's offices near this city's fashionable South Park neighborhood _ ground zero for many dot-com enterprises _ Gallanter talked about this tumultuous year in the venture capital business and what 2001 may hold.
  7. On Friday, Thompson will join Venture Strategy Group founder Joanna Rees Gallanter and Bread & AMP; Roses founder Mimi Farina as winners of the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year awards of the San Francisco chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners.
  8. "This is a much friendlier environment than the chain stores, and we carry a lot of stuff that Tower doesn't know or care about, " said Bruce Gallanter, manager of the Downtown Music Gallery on East Fifth Street.
  9. Commenting on the pessimistic _ or, many would say, realistic _ mood in the venture capital community, Joanna Rees Gallanter said that the last year has brought " the most abrupt and rapid sea change probably in the history of venture capital ."
  10. "I've been in a room when a woman will pitch her business, and she'll use the example of two women shopping, " said Gallanter, who used to be an independent consultant who helped companies position themselves in the marketplace.
अधिक:   पिछला  आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

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