
hypothesizes उदाहरण वाक्य

hypothesizes हिंदी में मतलब

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. ? elements, ? elements and ? function are elements that Bion ( 1963 ) hypothesizes.
  2. During a discussion about mortality, Murray hypothesizes that killing someone could perhaps alleviate the fear.
  3. She hypothesizes that the individual segments link nervous systems so that they all act in unison.
  4. The monitoring report hypothesizes that the decline was due to a drought in the previous summer.
  5. :The equivalence principle hypothesizes that there is no fundamental difference between actual and simulated gravity.
  6. Unterberger hypothesizes Columbia did not offer a substantial budget, noting the compositions'sparse arrangements.
  7. And it hypothesizes a $ 1 billion market for a newer catalyst that converts ozone to oxygen.
  8. Cool hypothesizes that these are remnants of red giant stars that had close encounters with other stars.
  9. A middle position hypothesizes that trauma, in some situations, alters neuronal mechanisms related to memory.
  10. The ekpyrotic theory hypothesizes that the origin of the observable universe occurred when two parallel branes collided.
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