
karling उदाहरण वाक्य

karling हिंदी में मतलब

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. It stood at the crest of a slope, which was shaped, under the direction of �tienne du P�rac ( Karling 1974 p 10 ) into three massive descending terraces and narrower subsidiary mediating terraces, which were linked by divided symmetrical stairs and ramps and extended a single axis that finished at the edge of the Seine; the design took many cues from the Villa Lante at Bagnaia . " �tienne du P�rac had spent a long time in Italy, and one manifestation of his interest in gardens of this type is his well-known view of the Villa d'Este, engraved in 1573 " ( Karling 1974, p 11 ).
  2. It stood at the crest of a slope, which was shaped, under the direction of �tienne du P�rac ( Karling 1974 p 10 ) into three massive descending terraces and narrower subsidiary mediating terraces, which were linked by divided symmetrical stairs and ramps and extended a single axis that finished at the edge of the Seine; the design took many cues from the Villa Lante at Bagnaia . " �tienne du P�rac had spent a long time in Italy, and one manifestation of his interest in gardens of this type is his well-known view of the Villa d'Este, engraved in 1573 " ( Karling 1974, p 11 ).
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