
lead lining वाक्य

"lead lining" हिंदी में  lead lining in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. In more remote areas, the only available depth information has been collected with lead lines.
  2. Goyette was awarded $ 619, 500 to tackle replacing lead lines at 150 Flint homes.
  3. Once lead lines could be heard, jazz guitarists joined horns in the front lines of groups.
  4. She sang many of the lead lines in Morning Musume songs, especially after Natsumi Abe's graduation.
  5. The bassline doesn't vary at all, only the lead line in the higher register is fractally varied.
  6. But the success has a lead lining.
  7. A typical length may be long, by deep ( distance between cork line and lead line ).
  8. In 1950 the church's flat roofs had to be repaired once more after the lead lining was stolen.
  9. The interior of the second story still has a lead lining to protect the building from pecking pigeons.
  10. The other hurls bluesy jabs or plays long curlicued lead lines, with some planning but plenty of spontaneity.
अधिक:   पिछला  आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. lead dioxide
  2. lead equivalent
  3. lead glass
  4. lead glaze
  5. lead line
  6. lead mining
  7. lead monoxide
  8. lead network
  9. lead nitrate
  10. lead nowhere
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