
memorials वाक्य

"memorials" हिंदी में  memorials in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. His family and admirers have announced a memorial service for Thursday.
  2. He talked about opening these ( SROs ) on Memorial Day,
  3. She, along with of others, attended the memorial service.
  4. I figure I still had a better Memorial Day than Shaq.
  5. Their assault appears to have begun over the Memorial Day weekend.
  6. The AIDS Memorial Quilt is coming to Kansas City in September.
  7. Landomini's trip is planned as a memorial to Williams.
  8. Now only a memorial chapel marks the village that was Fleury.
  9. Certainly, I must be getting close to the Vendome memorial.
  10. Judson Memorial is on the southern edge of Washington Square Park.
अधिक:   पिछला  आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. memorialist
  2. memorialize
  3. memorialized
  4. memorializes
  5. memorializing
  6. memories
  7. memorise
  8. memorize
  9. memorized
  10. memorizes
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