strombolian eruption उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- Plinian eruptions are similar to both Vulcanian and Strombolian eruptions, except that rather than creating discrete explosive events, Plinian eruptions form sustained eruptive columns.
- Characteristic eruptive activity consists of Strombolian eruptions from the lava lake or from one of several subsidiary vents, all within the volcano's inner crater.
- His descriptions of these eruptions became the basis for two indices in the Volcanic Explosivity Index : 1-Strombolian eruption, and 2-Vulcanian eruption.
- In reality, true Strombolian eruptions are characterized by short-lived and explosive eruptions of lavas with intermediate viscosity, often ejected high into the air.
- Surtseyan eruptions are the " wet " equivalent of ground-based Strombolian eruptions, but because of where they are taking place they are much more explosive.
- Strombolian eruptions during the second and final eruptive period about 10, 000 years ago constructed a small pyroclastic cone on the eastern rim of the older basaltic andesite tuff ring.
- To distinguish between them, Mercalli defined Strombolian eruptions as " . . . " Mildly explosive at discrete but fairly regular intervals of seconds to minutes " . . ."
- The products of Surtseyan eruptions are generally oxidized palagonite basalts ( though andesitic eruptions do occur, albeit rarely ), and like Strombolian eruptions Surtseyan eruptions are generally continuous or otherwise rhythmic.
- Another strombolian eruption followed a year later on October 29, 1969 . The massive flows from the two eruptions eventually covered the bay created by the 1965 eruption, reaching the shore of Lake Taal.
- The relative passivity of Strombolian eruptions, and its non-damaging nature to its source vent allow Strombolian eruptions to continue unabated for thousands of years, and also makes it one of the least dangerous eruptive types.