unlovable उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- He is, in fact, " resolutely unlovable, " a feature that Frum appreciates.
- The other grandson is working in a garage and has an unruly, unlovable child of his own.
- The next day, Penny goes to comfort a heartbroken Raj, who thinks he is completely unlovable.
- He felt he could do nothing right _ that he was unlovable _ and he was feeling quite desperate.
- Intentionally unlovable is the church's vast painting of hell, depicting sinners and their blood-curdling punishments.
- The questions become : Is it possible to love someone who is, for all intents and purposes, unlovable?
- In " Formula 51, " they're a couple of unlovable rogues going through the motions.
- For Schroeder there is an even more powerful argument : The essential humanity of every person, no matter how unlovable.
- "Batavia may be unlovable, " he writes, " but it's mine ."
- She blames this on her being " too fat, too clever and unlovable ", parroting her parents'beliefs.