
yellowhammers वाक्य

"yellowhammers" हिंदी में  yellowhammers in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The winter flocks of finches were lost, the yellowhammers disappeared, the skylarks nearly so.
  2. The male yellowhammer has a bright yellow head, streaked brown back, chestnut rump and yellow underparts.
  3. The pine bunting and yellowhammer are so closely related that each responds to the other's song.
  4. The Yellowhammer State can accurately be described as one of the more staunchly Republican states in the nation.
  5. The yellowhammer is common in open areas with some scrubs or trees, and forms small flocks in winter.
  6. The yellowhammer adds invertebrates to its diet in the breeding season, particularly as food for its growing chicks.
  7. Saddened, the Yellowhammers agree to Touchwood Senior's request that the young lovers receive a joint burial.
  8. The "'Alabama Hammers "'were a professional Yellowhammer, the state bird of Alabama.
  9. The brook is lined by sedges and water-cress, while breeding birds include yellowhammer and spotted flycatcher.
  10. Young and female yellowhammers can be distinguished from cirl buntings by the grey-brown rump of the latter species.
अधिक:   पिछला  आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. yellow woman
  2. yellow-bellied
  3. yellowed
  4. yellowfin
  5. yellowhammer
  6. yellowish
  7. yellowish brown
  8. yellowish green
  9. yellowish pink
  10. yellowness
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