
manpower cost मीनिंग इन हिंदी

manpower cost उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Both offers were turned down due to operating and manpower costs.
  2. That has cut manpower costs because workers no longer have to transport fuel to airplanes.
  3. Your manpower costs can be cut down significantly.
  4. Argentine stocks rose on expectations that government plans to overhaul labor legislation will reduce companies'manpower costs.
  5. It's a strategy focused on reducing manpower costs.
  6. Savannah, for example, drew up a $ 9.6 million wish list with nearly two-thirds for manpower costs.
  7. Argentine stocks rose on expectations that government plans to overhaul labor legislation will reduce company manpower costs.
  8. One mustnot however ignore the hidden costs of downtime and overtime costs, all ofwhich adds to manpower costs.
  9. Over the past 20 years, manpower costs have spiralled upwards because of the economies of supply and demand.
  10. Savannah, for example, drew up a $ 9 . 6 million wish list with nearly two-thirds for manpower costs.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. manors
  2. manostat
  3. manoxylic
  4. manpower
  5. manpower budgeting
  6. manpower deployment
  7. manpower directorate
  8. manpower forecast
  9. manpower induction
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