
mintage मीनिंग इन हिंदी

mintage उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Mintage figures for the latest British coin production are given below.
  2. The coin had a mintage of 20, 640, 000.
  3. The coin's mintage was 19, 290, 000.
  4. Within the district you can find both municipal and countrified mintages.
  5. Consequently, mintages for the medals vary from year to year.
  6. The first mintage of this denomination totalled 50, 000 coins,
  7. Total mintage of the wreath reverse numbered about 63, 000 pieces.
  8. The 1946 coin had the lowest mintage of any five cent coin.
  9. The coin is considered part of the Danish krone series of mintages.
  10. Many subsequent issues have even lower mintages and higher secondary market values.


  1. act or process of minting coins
  2. fee paid to a mint by the government for minting a coin
  3. coins collectively
    पर्याय: coinage, specie, metal money

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. mint par
  2. mint price of gold
  3. mint ratio
  4. mint rust
  5. mint superintendent
  6. mintang
  7. minterm
  8. mintra level
  9. minuend
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