
moored mine मीनिंग इन हिंदी

moored mine उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

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  1. However, " Salvor " towed ex-MK 5 Marine Mammal operations, and recovery of moored mines.
  2. This mine is mainly for riverine and coastal use and can also be used as part of the moored mine system.
  3. Three kinds of mines, processor based mine, moored mine and processor based exercise mine are in production for the Navy.
  4. Mechanical sweeps are devices designed to cut the anchoring cables of moored mines, and preferably attach a tag to help the subsequent localization and neutralization.
  5. The ASW equipment ( SONAR and LAPADS equipment ) normally fitted had been removed and prototype equipment designed to detect shallow moored mines was fitted instead.
  6. Also in 1970, Fengxi Machinery Factory and Engineering Technology Equipment Research Institute begun to jointly develop a riverine moored mine that can be remotely controlled fuse.
  7. While patrolling upriver 7 July, she encountered and successfully swept two Confederate moored mines, among the first of their kind used in the Civil War.
  8. Anti-submarine nets were laid in North Bay, and eight lines of moored mines and a control centre on land protected the entrance of Saldanha Bay.
  9. The ALMDS is a sensor system designed to detect, classify, and localize floating and near-surface moored mines in littoral zones, straits, and choke points.
  10. The first three types of naval mines entered the Chinese service are all moored mines equipped with contact fuses, and all of them are developed by the Fengxi Machinery Factory.

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. moorage
  2. moorband pan
  3. moore filter
  4. moore smith convergence
  5. moored
  6. moorhen
  7. mooring
  8. mooring boards
  9. mooring buoy
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