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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. The Rai Dynasty from Sindh ruled over them (from 489-632).
    सिन्ध के राय राजवंश (सन् 489-632) ने इसपर शासन किया ।
  2. Putting plastic bags over the head is dangerous .
    प्लास्टिक की थैलियों को सिर पर चढ़ाना ख़तरनाक है .
  3. Because if you wave a block over the top of the detector,
    क्यों कि यदि आप आप ब्लाक को इस के ऊपर हिलायेंगे,
  4. The little prince looked them over , and laughed as he said :
    छोटे राजकुमार ने उन्हें देखा और हँसते हए कहा -
  5. Indian Food is famous all over The World.
    भारतीय व्यंजन विदेशों में भी बहुत पसन्द किए जाते है।
  6. Dravidian languages were spoken all over India
    पूरे भारत में द्रविड़ परिवार की भाषाएें प्रचलित थी
  7. so basically the same symbol being repeated over and over again.
    जिससे एक ही चिन्ह बार बार दोहराया जा रहा है।
  8. so basically the same symbol being repeated over and over again.
    जिससे एक ही चिन्ह बार बार दोहराया जा रहा है।
  9. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 0123456789
    सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिंदोस्ताँ हमारा०१२३४५६७८९
  10. And I had these legs made a little over a year ago
    और ये टांगें मैंने एक साल से कुछ पहले ही बनवाई थीं


क्रिया विशेषण.
  1. over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "she ached all over"; "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot"
    पर्याय: all over, all over
  2. throughout a period of time; "stay over the weekend"
    पर्याय: o''er, o''er
  3. at or to a point across intervening space etc.; "come over and see us some time"; "over there"
  4. throughout an area; "he is known the world over"
  5. beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position; "a roof that hangs over";
  6. over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "she ached all over"; "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot"
    पर्याय: all over, all over
  7. throughout a period of time; "stay over the weekend"
    पर्याय: o''er, o''er
  8. at or to a point across intervening space etc.; "come over and see us some time"; "over there"
  9. throughout an area; "he is known the world over"
  10. beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position; "a roof that hangs over";
  1. having come or been brought to a conclusion; "the harvesting was complete"; "the affair is over, ended, finished"; "the abruptly terminated interview"
    पर्याय: complete, concluded, ended, all over, terminated
  1. (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. oven utensil
  2. oven-ready
  3. ovenproof
  4. ovens
  5. ovenware
  6. over head
  7. over a barrel
  8. over absorbed overhead
  9. over achievement
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